forked from Wroclaw/WorkshopTasker
91 lines
2.3 KiB
91 lines
2.3 KiB
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue";
import FormClient from "~/components/formClient.vue";
type optionalMap<Optional, type> = Optional extends true ? undefined | type : type;
type typeMap = {
"text": string,
"password": string,
"number": number,
"boolean": boolean,
"none": undefined,
"client": `${bigint}`
export type fieldDefinition<Optional extends boolean = boolean, type extends keyof typeMap = keyof typeMap> = {
key: string,
label?: string,
type: type,
optional?: Optional,
value?: optionalMap<Optional, typeMap[type]>,
const props = defineProps<{
fields: Array<fieldDefinition>,
// eslint-disable-next-line func-call-spacing
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: "update:modelValue", value: any): void,
(e: "updateSubModelValue", key: fieldDefinition["key"], value: fieldDefinition["value"]): void,
const modelValue = ref<{[key: string]: string | number | boolean | undefined}>({});
for (const i of props.fields) {
modelValue.value[i.key] = i.value;
emit("updateSubModelValue", i.key, i.value);
function updateModel(key: string, v: any) {
modelValue.value[key] = v;
emit("update:modelValue", modelValue.value);
emit("updateSubModelValue", key, v);
emit("update:modelValue", modelValue.value);
<div v-for="i of fields" :key="i.key">
v-if="i.type == 'text'"
@update:model-value="v => updateModel(i.key, v)"
v-if="i.type == 'password'"
@update:model-value="v => updateModel(i.key, v)"
v-if="i.type == 'number'"
@update:model-value="v => updateModel(i.key, Number(v))"
v-if="i.type == 'boolean'"
@update:model-value="v => updateModel(i.key, Boolean(v))"
<p v-if="i.type == 'none'">
{{ i.label }}
v-if="i.type == 'client'"
:model-value="modelValue[i.key] as `${bigint}`"
@update:model-value="v => updateModel(i.key, v)"