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2 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
1ed0e6e7ec Fix adb no devices detection
now throws when there are no devices connected
2022-07-20 01:01:18 +02:00
b7dbfcdd0c Rewrite config and updating 2022-07-20 00:52:59 +02:00

View file

@ -80,85 +80,84 @@ function renderForm([String[]]$items, [String]$label, [String]$title, [System.Wi
class config {
[String]$patches = "none"
[String]$integrations = "none"
[String]$cli = "none"
[hashtable]$version = @{}
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$excluded = (New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)
[void] load($Path) {
$fileContent = ConvertFrom-Json ((Get-Content $Path) -Join ' ').ToString()
$this.patches = $fileContent.patches
$this.integrations = $fileContent.integrations
$this.cli = $fileContent.cli
$this.excluded = $fileContent.excluded
class configFile {
[String]$path = ".\config.json"
[config]$config = [config]::new()
[void] load() {
$fileContent = ConvertFrom-Json ((Get-Content $this.path) -Join ' ').ToString()
$version = @{}
foreach ($prop in $fileContent.version.PsObject.Properties) {
$version.Add($prop.Name, $prop.Value)
$fileContent.version = $null
$this.config = $fileContent
$this.config.version = $version
[void] save($Path) {
Out-File $Path -InputObject (ConvertTo-Json $this)
[void] save() {
Out-File $this.path -InputObject (ConvertTo-Json $this.config)
function main {
$config = New-Object config
# Get latest releases
function UpdateFromGithub {
param (
[scriptblock]$AssetsFilter = {$true},
[String]$InstalledTag = $Config.config.version[$Repository]
try {
$patchesRelease = ConvertFrom-Json (Invoke-WebRequest
$integrationsRelease = ConvertFrom-Json (Invoke-WebRequest
$cliRelease = ConvertFrom-Json (Invoke-WebRequest
# Check versions
[Bool[]]$install = $true, $true, $true
try {
if ($config.patches -eq $patchesRelease.tag_name) {$install[0] = $false}
if ($config.integrations -eq $integrationsRelease.tag_name) {$install[1] = $false}
if ($config.cli -eq $cliRelease.tag_name) {$install[2] = $false}
catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
Write-Output "currentVersion.json not found, downloading everything"
# Download latest releases
New-Item -type Directory -Path ".\app" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
# TODO: use where-object to search for filename
if ($install[0]) {
Write-Output "Downloading Patches ($($config.patches) -> $($patchesRelease.tag_name))"
Write-Output "changelog:$($config.patches)...$($patchesRelease.tag_name)"
Invoke-WebRequest $patchesRelease.assets[1].browser_download_url -OutFile ".\app\revanced-patches.jar"
$config.patches = $patchesRelease.tag_name
else {Write-Output "Patches up to date $($config.patches)"}
if ($install[1]) {
Write-Output "Downloading Integrations ($($config.integrations) -> $($integrationsRelease.tag_name))"
Write-Output "changelog:$($config.integrations)...$($integrationsRelease.tag_name)"
Invoke-WebRequest $integrationsRelease.assets[0].browser_download_url -OutFile ".\app\app-release-unsigned.apk"
$config.integrations = $integrationsRelease.tag_name
else {Write-Output "Integrations up to date $($config.integrations)"}
if ($install[2]) {
Write-Output "Downloading cli ($($config.cli) -> $($cliRelease.tag_name))"
Write-Output "changelog:$($config.cli)...$($cliRelease.tag_name)"
Invoke-WebRequest $cliRelease.assets[0].browser_download_url -OutFile ".\app\revanced-cli.jar"
$config.cli = $cliRelease.tag_name
else {Write-Output "cli up to date! $($config.cli)"}
$LatestRelease = ConvertFrom-Json (Invoke-WebRequest "$Repository/releases/latest").Content
catch [System.Net.WebException] {
Write-Output "Couldn't get newest files, using locals"
Write-Host "Couldn't check for update $Repository"
return $false
[String]$UpdateTag = $LatestRelease.tag_name
if ($InstalledTag -eq $UpdateTag) {
Write-Host "$Repository up to date! ($InstalledTag)"
return $false
$Assets = $LatestRelease.assets | Where-Object -FilterScript $AssetsFilter
Write-Host "Downloading $Repository ($InstalledTag -> $UpdateTag)"
Write-Host "Changelog:$Repository/compare/$InstalledTag...$UpdateTag"
Invoke-WebRequest $Assets[0].browser_download_url -OutFile $OutFile
$Config.config.version[$Repository] = $UpdateTag
return $true
function main {
$config = [configFile]::new()
try {
catch [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] {
Write-Host ".\config.json not found"
# Update
UpdateFromGithub -Repository "revanced/revanced-patches" -Config $config -AssetsFilter {$_.content_type -like "application/*"} -OutFile ".\app\revanced-patches.jar" | Out-Null
UpdateFromGithub -Repository "revanced/revanced-integrations" -Config $config -AssetsFilter {$_.content_type -like "application/*"} -OutFile ".\app\app-release-unsigned.apk" | Out-Null
UpdateFromGithub -Repository "revanced/revanced-cli" -Config $config -AssetsFilter {$_.content_type -like "application/*"} -OutFile ".\app\revanced-cli.jar" | Out-Null
if ($NoDeploy) {return}
# Select Youtube app
@ -200,7 +199,7 @@ function main {
$excludedIntegrations = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$savedExclusions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$savedExclusionsNames = $config.excluded
$savedExclusionsNames = $config.config.excluded
foreach ($i in $integrationsList) {
if (($savedExclusionsNames.Count -gt 1) -and $savedExclusionsNames.Contains($ {
[void] $savedExclusions.Add($true)
@ -215,17 +214,19 @@ function main {
[void] $excludedIntegrations.Add($i.Split(' ')[0]) #FIXME: hacky way to do this, but it works
$config.excluded = $excludedIntegrations
$config.config.excluded = $excludedIntegrations
# devices
$devices = adb devices
if ($devices.Length -eq 2) {
throw "No devices found"
$devices = $devices[1..($devices.length-2)]
[String]$selectedDevice = ''
if ($devices.Length -eq 0) {throw "No devices found"}
elseif ($devices.Length -eq 1) {
if ($devices.Length -eq 1) {
$selectedDevice = ($devices | ForEach-Object {$_.split()[0]})[0]
else {