massive rewrite
- use custom FormItem array for form quries - get integrations from github json file - use custom integrationList class to manage and get integrations and their dependencies - use ArrayList where possible - include integrations (previously exclude)
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 190 additions and 57 deletions
@ -27,7 +27,46 @@ otherwise it will launch with all provided arguments
$ErrorActionPreference = $SavedErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = $SavedErrorActionPreference
function renderForm([String[]]$items, [String]$label, [String]$title, [System.Windows.Forms.SelectionMode]$mode, [System.Collections.ArrayList]$selected) {
class FormItem {
[String] $displayText
[Bool] $selected = $false
FormItem ($_value, [String] $_displayText, [Bool] $_selected = $false) {
$this.value = $_value
$this.displayText = $_displayText
$this.selected = $_selected
FormItem ($_value, [String] $_displayText) {
$this.value = $_value
$this.displayText = $_displayText
[String] ToString() {
return $this.displayText
class FormItems : System.Collections.ArrayList<#FormItem#> {
[System.Collections.ArrayList] getSelectedBoolArray() {
$rvalue = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
foreach ($i in $this) {
[void] $rvalue.Add($i.selected)
return $rvalue
[System.Collections.ArrayList] getDisplay() {
$rvalue = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
foreach ($i in $this) {
[void] $rvalue.Add($i.displayText)
return $rvalue
function renderForm([FormItems]$items, [String]$label, [String]$title, [System.Windows.Forms.SelectionMode]$mode) {
@ -59,29 +98,35 @@ function renderForm([String[]]$items, [String]$label, [String]$title, [System.Wi
$listBox.SelectionMode = $mode
$listBox.SelectionMode = $mode
foreach ($entry in $items) {
foreach ($i in $items.getDisplay()) {
[void] $listBox.Items.Add($entry)
[void] $listBox.Items.Add($i)
if ($null -ne $selected) {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $items.Count; $i++) {
for($i = 0; ($i -lt $selected.Count) -and ($i -lt $items.Length); $i++) {
[void] $listBox.SetSelected($i, $items[$i].selected)
if ($selected[$i]) {$listBox.SetSelected($i, $true) | Out-Null}
$listBox.Height = 70
$listBox.Height = 70
$form.Topmost = $true
$form.Topmost = $true
if ($form.ShowDialog() -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) {
$dialogResult = $form.ShowDialog()
return $listbox.selectedItems
if ($dialogResult -ne [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) {
return $false
return $false
$selected = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
foreach ($i in $listbox.selectedIndices) {
[void] $selected.Add($items[$i].value)
return $selected
class config {
class config {
[hashtable]$version = @{}
[hashtable]$version = @{}
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$excluded = (New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$included = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
class configFile {
class configFile {
@ -142,6 +187,106 @@ function UpdateFromGithub {
return $true
return $true
class CompatiblePackage {
[String] $name
[String[]] $versions
CompatiblePackage([String] $_name, [String[]] $_versions) {
$ = $_name
$this.versions = $_versions
class Integration {
[String] $name
[String] $description
[String] $version
[Bool] $excluded
[Bool] $deprecated
[String[]] $dependencies
<#[compatiblePackage[]]#> $compatiblePackages = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
Integration([String] $_name, [String] $_description) {
$ = $_name
$this.description = $_description
Integration($integration) {
$ = $
$this.description = $integration.description
$this.version = $integration.version
$this.excluded = $integration.excluded
$this.deprecated = $integration.deprecated
$this.dependencies = $integration.dependencies
foreach ($i in $integration.compatiblePackages) {
[void] $this.compatiblePackages.Add([CompatiblePackage]::new($, $i.versions))
[String] ToString() {
return "$($ - $($this.description)"
[Bool] Compatible([String] $name, [String] $version) {
if ($this.compatiblePackages.Count -eq 0) { return $true }
[compatiblePackage[]] $compatiblePackage = $this.compatiblePackages | Where-Object {$ -eq $name}
if ($compatiblePackage.length -eq 0 ) { return $false }
return $compatiblePackage.Contains($version)
class IntegrationList : System.Collections.ArrayList<#Integration#> {
IntegrationList($path) {
$integration = ConvertFrom-Json(Get-Content $path)
foreach ($i in $integration) {
[void] $this.add([Integration]::new($i))
[String[]] getDependenciesNames([String] $name) {
foreach ($i in $this) {
if ($ -ne $name) { continue }
$rvalue = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
foreach ($j in $i.dependencies) {
if ($rvalue.Contains($j)) { continue }
[void] $rvalue.Add($j)
return $rvalue
return $null
[System.Collections.ArrayList] getFullIntegrationList([String[]] $integrations) {
Returns Integration list with all dependencies included
$rvalue = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new($this.Count)
foreach ($i in $integrations) {
if ($rvalue.Contains($i)) { continue }
[void] $rvalue.Add($i)
$dependencies = $this.getDependenciesNames($i)
foreach ($j in $this.getFullIntegrationList($dependencies)) {
if ($rvalue.Contains($j)) { continue }
[void] $rvalue.Add($j)
return $rvalue
[FormItems] getForm() {
$rvalue = [FormItems]::new()
foreach ($i in $this) {
[void] $rvalue.Add([FormItem]::new($, "$($ - for $($i.compatiblePackages[0].name) - $($i.description)"))
return $rvalue
function main {
function main {
$config = [configFile]::new()
$config = [configFile]::new()
try {
try {
@ -154,69 +299,53 @@ function main {
# Update
# Update
UpdateFromGithub -Repository "revanced/revanced-patches" -Config $config -AssetsFilter {$_.content_type -like "application/*"} -OutFile ".\app\revanced-patches.jar" | Out-Null
$updatedPatches = UpdateFromGithub -Repository "revanced/revanced-patches" -Config $config -AssetsFilter {$_.content_type -like "application/java-archive"} -OutFile ".\app\revanced-patches.jar"
if ($updatedPatches) {
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile ".\app\revanced-patches.json"
UpdateFromGithub -Repository "revanced/revanced-integrations" -Config $config -AssetsFilter {$_.content_type -like "application/*"} -OutFile ".\app\app-release-unsigned.apk" | Out-Null
UpdateFromGithub -Repository "revanced/revanced-integrations" -Config $config -AssetsFilter {$_.content_type -like "application/*"} -OutFile ".\app\app-release-unsigned.apk" | Out-Null
UpdateFromGithub -Repository "revanced/revanced-cli" -Config $config -AssetsFilter {$_.content_type -like "application/*"} -OutFile ".\app\revanced-cli.jar" | Out-Null
UpdateFromGithub -Repository "revanced/revanced-cli" -Config $config -AssetsFilter {$_.content_type -like "application/*"} -OutFile ".\app\revanced-cli.jar" | Out-Null
if ($NoDeploy) {return}
if ($NoDeploy) {return}
# Select Youtube app
# Select apk to patch
$apks = (Get-ChildItem *.apk).Name
$apks = (Get-ChildItem *.apk).Name
[String]$selectedApk = ''
[String]$selectedApk = ''
if ($apks.Length -eq 0) {throw "No YouTube apk files found!"}
if ($apks.Length -eq 0) {throw "No YouTube apk files found!"}
elseif ($apks.getType().Name -eq 'String') {$selectedApk = $apks}
elseif ($apks.getType().Name -eq 'String') {$selectedApk = $apks}
else {
else {
$selectedApk = (renderForm -items $apks -label "Select apk file to patch" -title "Installer for ReVanced - apk selector" -mode One)
$apkItems = [FormItems]::new()
foreach ($i in $apks) {
[void] $apkItems.Add([FormItem]::new($i, $i))
$selectedApk = renderForm -items $apkItems -label "Select apk file to patch" -title "Installer for ReVanced - apk selector" -mode One
if (-not $selectedApk) {throw "No apk selected!"}
if (-not $selectedApk) {throw "No apk selected!"}
# Get available integrations
# Get available integrations
$integrationsList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$integrations = [IntegrationList]::new(".\app\revanced-patches.json")
class Integration {
[String] $id
[String] $description
Integration([String] $_id, [String] $_description) {
$ = $_id
$this.description = $_description
[String] ToString() {
return "$($ - $($this.description)"
foreach ($i in (execJava -jar .\app\revanced-cli.jar -a $selectedApk -b .\app\revanced-patches.jar -l)) {
$i = $i.ToString().substring(6).split("`t")
[void] $integrationsList.Add([Integration]::new($i[0].TrimStart(), $i[1]))
# integrations selector
# integrations selector
$excludedIntegrations = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$integrationsToInclude = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$savedExclusions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$integrationsForm = $integrations.getForm()
$savedExclusionsNames = $config.config.excluded
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $integrationsForm.Count; $i++) {
foreach ($i in $integrationsList) {
if (-not $config.config.included.Contains($integrationsForm[$i].value)) { continue }
if (($savedExclusionsNames.Count -gt 1) -and $savedExclusionsNames.Contains($ {
$integrationsForm[$i].selected = $true
[void] $savedExclusions.Add($true)
[void] $savedExclusionsNames.Remove($integrationID)
else {
[void] $savedExclusions.Add($false)
foreach ($i in (renderForm -items $integrationsList -label "Select integrations to exclude" -title "Installer for ReVanced - integrations" -mode MultiExtended -selected $savedExclusions)) {
$integrationsToInclude = renderForm -items $integrationsForm -label "Select integrations to include" -title "Installer for ReVanced - integrations" -mode MultiExtended
[void] $excludedIntegrations.Add($i.Split(' ')[0]) #FIXME: hacky way to do this, but it works
$config.config.excluded = $excludedIntegrations
$config.config.included = $integrationsToInclude
# We save only what user selected, but we still need to include integrations that depends on selected
$integrationsToInclude = $integrations.getFullIntegrationList($integrationsToInclude)
# devices
# devices
$devices = adb devices
$devices = adb devices
@ -230,25 +359,29 @@ function main {
$selectedDevice = ($devices | ForEach-Object {$_.split()[0]})
$selectedDevice = ($devices | ForEach-Object {$_.split()[0]})
else {
else {
$selectedDevice = (renderForm -items ($devices | ForEach-Object {$_.split()[0]}) -label "Select deployment target" -title "Installer for ReVanced - target" -mode One)
$devicesForm = [FormItems]::new()
foreach ($i in $devices) {
[void] $devicesForm.Add([FormItem]::new($i.split()[0], $i))
$selectedDevice = (renderForm -items $devicesForm -label "Select deployment target" -title "Installer for ReVanced - target" -mode One)
if (-not $selectedDevice) {throw "No device selected"}
if (-not $selectedDevice) {throw "No device selected"}
# install to device
# install to device
$patcherArgs = "-jar", ".\app\revanced-cli.jar", "-a", ".\$selectedApk", "-c", "-d", "$selectedDevice", "-o", "$env:tmp\revanced.apk", "-m", ".\app\app-release-unsigned.apk", "-b", ".\app\revanced-patches.jar"
$patcherArgs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new(100)
[void] $patcherArgs.AddRange(("-jar", ".\app\revanced-cli.jar", "-a", ".\$selectedApk", "-c", "-d", "$selectedDevice", "-o", "$env:tmp\revanced.apk", "-m", ".\app\app-release-unsigned.apk", "-b", ".\app\revanced-patches.jar", "--exclusive", "--experimental"))
# is microg patch excluded?
# is microg patch excluded?
if ($excludedIntegrations.Contains("microg-support")) {
if (-not $integrationsToInclude.Contains("microg-support")) {
$patcherArgs += "--mount"
[void] $patcherArgs.Add("--mount")
foreach ($i in $excludedIntegrations) {
foreach ($i in $integrationsToInclude) {
$patcherArgs += "-e"
[void] $patcherArgs.AddRange(("-i", $i))
$patcherArgs += $i
Write-Output "Included: $i"
Write-Output "Excluded: $i"
Write-Output "Logs below are from the cli"
Write-Output "Logs below are from the cli"
Reference in a new issue