but with future rust cosmic didn't work at all when I just made it using futureNixpkgs.
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{ inputs ? import ../../inputs.nix {}}:
self: super:
nixos-cosmic = inputs.cosmic-modules;
cosmicPkgsMainDir = builtins.readDir "${nixos-cosmic}/pkgs";
cosmicPkgsDirs = builtins.filter (v: cosmicPkgsMainDir."${v}" == "directory") (builtins.attrNames cosmicPkgsMainDir);
# FIXME: use unstable nixpkgs when rust 1.80 will be available in unstable
stagingNixpkgsSrc = builtins.fetchTarball {
name = "nixpkgs";
url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/b79cec4237cd0f655562890bf927466c68b48d68.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1mswisq9iwffg2d6rfxvr27mvi4w853d9rn222s2g76445d0iqh8";
# Take rustPackages from staging nixpkgs
stagingNixpkgs = import stagingNixpkgsSrc {
localSystem = self.stdenv.buildPlatform;
config = self.config;
} // (if self.stdenv.buildPlatform == self.stdenv.hostPlatform then {} else {
crossSystem = self.stdenv.hostPlatform;
futureRustPackages = stagingNixpkgs.rustPackages;
# Create nixpkgs with future rust
nixpkgsWithFutureRust = self.extend (futureSelf: futureSuper: {
rustPackages = futureRustPackages;
# Create cosmicPkgs that contains cosmic packages built from nixpkgs with future rust
cosmicOverlay = cosmicSelf: cosmicSuper: builtins.listToAttrs (
builtins.map (v: {name = v; value = nixpkgsWithFutureRust.callPackage "${nixos-cosmic}/pkgs/${v}/package.nix" {};}) cosmicPkgsDirs
cosmicNixpkgs = import inputs.nixpkgs {
localSystem = self.stdenv.buildPlatform;
config = self.config;
overlays = [ cosmicOverlay ];
} // (if self.stdenv.buildPlatform == self.stdenv.hostPlatform then {} else {
crossSystem = self.stdenv.hostPlatform;
builtins.listToAttrs (
builtins.map (v: {name = v; value = cosmicNixpkgs.${v};}) cosmicPkgsDirs