{ lib, expect, nix, nixos-rebuild, path, runCommand, stdenv, writeText, }: let # Arguably not true, but it holds up for now. escapeExpect = lib.strings.escapeNixString; expectSetup = '' set timeout 180 proc expect_simple { pattern } { puts "Expecting: $pattern" expect { timeout { puts "\nTimeout waiting for: $pattern\n" exit 1 } $pattern } } ''; # In case we want/need to evaluate packages or the assertions or whatever, # we want to have a linux system. # TODO: make the non-flake test use thise. linuxSystem = lib.replaceStrings ["darwin"] ["linux"] stdenv.hostPlatform.system; in runCommand "test-nixos-rebuild-repl" { nativeBuildInputs = [ expect nix nixos-rebuild ]; nixpkgs = if builtins.pathExists (path + "/.git") then lib.cleanSource path else path; } '' export HOME=$(mktemp -d) export TEST_ROOT=$PWD/test-tmp # Prepare for running Nix in sandbox export NIX_BUILD_HOOK= export NIX_CONF_DIR=$TEST_ROOT/etc export NIX_LOCALSTATE_DIR=$TEST_ROOT/var export NIX_LOG_DIR=$TEST_ROOT/var/log/nix export NIX_STATE_DIR=$TEST_ROOT/var/nix export NIX_STORE_DIR=$TEST_ROOT/store export PAGER=cat mkdir -p $TEST_ROOT $NIX_CONF_DIR echo General setup ################## export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=$nixpkgs:nixos-config=$HOME/configuration.nix cat >> ~/configuration.nix <<EOF { boot.loader.grub.enable = false; fileSystems."/".device = "x"; imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ]; } EOF echo '{ }' > ~/hardware-configuration.nix echo Test traditional NixOS configuration ######################################### expect ${writeText "test-nixos-rebuild-repl-expect" '' ${expectSetup} spawn nixos-rebuild repl --fast expect "nix-repl> " send "config.networking.hostName\n" expect "\"nixos\"" ''} echo Test flake based NixOS configuration ######################################### # Switch to flake flavored environment unset NIX_PATH cat > $NIX_CONF_DIR/nix.conf <<EOF experimental-features = nix-command flakes EOF # Make the config pure echo '{ nixpkgs.hostPlatform = "${linuxSystem}"; }' > ~/hardware-configuration.nix cat >~/flake.nix <<EOF { inputs.nixpkgs.url = "path:$nixpkgs"; outputs = { nixpkgs, ... }: { nixosConfigurations.testconf = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { modules = [ ./configuration.nix # Let's change it up a bit { networking.hostName = "itsme"; } ]; }; }; } EOF # cat -n ~/flake.nix expect ${writeText "test-nixos-rebuild-repl-absolute-path-expect" '' ${expectSetup} spawn sh -c "nixos-rebuild repl --fast --flake path:\$HOME#testconf" expect_simple "nix-repl>" send "config.networking.hostName\n" expect_simple "itsme" expect_simple "nix-repl>" send "lib.version\n" expect_simple ${escapeExpect ( # The version string is a bit different in the flake lib, so we expect a prefix and ignore the rest # Furthermore, including the revision (suffix) would cause unnecessary rebuilds. # Note that a length of 4 only matches e.g. "24. lib.strings.substring 0 4 (lib.strings.escapeNixString lib.version))} # Make sure it's the right lib - should be the flake lib, not Nixpkgs lib. expect_simple "nix-repl>" send "lib?nixosSystem\n" expect_simple "true" expect_simple "nix-repl>" send "lib?nixos\n" expect_simple "true" ''} pushd "$HOME" expect ${writeText "test-nixos-rebuild-repl-relative-path-expect" '' ${expectSetup} spawn sh -c "nixos-rebuild repl --fast --flake .#testconf" expect_simple "nix-repl>" send "config.networking.hostName\n" expect_simple "itsme" ''} popd echo ######### echo Done touch $out ''