# Modified copy of github:NixOS/nixpkgs pkgs/top-level/impure.nix # as of commit 242522b8fed8d63f262fd6e747ba1e4372b59a8e # I wish I could just import from nixpkgs and set different path to entry point. let homeDir = builtins.getEnv "HOME"; # Return ‘x’ if it evaluates, or ‘def’ if it throws an exception. try = x: def: let res = builtins.tryEval x; in if res.success then res.value else def; in { localSystem ? { system = args.system or builtins.currentSystem; } , system ? localSystem.system , crossSystem ? localSystem , config ? let configFile = builtins.getEnv "NIXPKGS_CONFIG"; configFile2 = homeDir + "/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix"; configFile3 = homeDir + "/.nixpkgs/config.nix"; # obsolete in if configFile != "" && builtins.pathExists configFile then import configFile else if homeDir != "" && builtins.pathExists configFile2 then import configFile2 else if homeDir != "" && builtins.pathExists configFile3 then import configFile3 else {} , overlays ? let isDir = path: builtins.pathExists (path + "/."); pathOverlays = try (toString <nixpkgs-overlays>) ""; homeOverlaysFile = homeDir + "/.config/nixpkgs/overlays.nix"; homeOverlaysDir = homeDir + "/.config/nixpkgs/overlays"; overlays = path: # check if the path is a directory or a file if isDir path then # it's a directory, so the set of overlays from the directory, ordered lexicographically let content = builtins.readDir path; in map (n: import (path + ("/" + n))) (builtins.filter (n: (builtins.match ".*\\.nix" n != null && # ignore Emacs lock files (.#foo.nix) builtins.match "\\.#.*" n == null) || builtins.pathExists (path + ("/" + n + "/default.nix"))) (builtins.attrNames content)) else # it's a file, so the result is the contents of the file itself import path; in if pathOverlays != "" && builtins.pathExists pathOverlays then overlays pathOverlays else if builtins.pathExists homeOverlaysFile && builtins.pathExists homeOverlaysDir then throw '' Nixpkgs overlays can be specified with ${homeOverlaysFile} or ${homeOverlaysDir}, but not both. Please remove one of them and try again. '' else if builtins.pathExists homeOverlaysFile then if isDir homeOverlaysFile then throw (homeOverlaysFile + " should be a file") else overlays homeOverlaysFile else if builtins.pathExists homeOverlaysDir then if !(isDir homeOverlaysDir) then throw (homeOverlaysDir + " should be a directory") else overlays homeOverlaysDir else [] , crossOverlays ? [] , ... } @ args: # Assertion checked in called nixpkgs upstream, thus removed here import ./. (builtins.removeAttrs args [ "system" ] // { inherit config overlays localSystem; })