also I updated packages, and properly typed api input a lot of time was spent, I don't remeber what really I did x3 but everything was related to replacing mysql2 with prisma
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44 lines
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import { Decimal } from "@prisma/client/runtime/library";
type func = (...args: any[]) => any | Function;
export type replaceJsonUnparsableToString<T> =
T extends Array<infer E> ? Array<replaceJsonUnparsableToString<E>>
: {
[K in keyof T]:
T[K] extends null ? null
: T[K] extends func ? never
: T[K] extends Decimal ? `${number}`
: T[K] extends Array<infer E> ? Array<replaceJsonUnparsableToString<E>>
: T[K] extends object ? replaceJsonUnparsableToString<T[K]>
: T[K] extends bigint ? `${bigint}`
: T[K]
type exactToInterface = (...args: any[]) => any extends Function ? true : false;
function arrayPrismaToWeb<T>(array: Array<T>) {
return array.reduce(
(pV, cV) => {
return pV;
[] as Array<replaceJsonUnparsableToString<T>>,
export function prismaToWeb<T>(ivalue: T): replaceJsonUnparsableToString<T> {
const rvalue: any = ivalue instanceof Array ? [] : {};
for (const i in ivalue) {
const current = ivalue[i];
if (current === null) rvalue[i] = null;
else if (typeof current === 'function') continue;
else if (current instanceof Decimal) rvalue[i] = current.toString();
else if (current instanceof Array) rvalue[i] = arrayPrismaToWeb(current);
else if (typeof current === 'object') rvalue[i] = prismaToWeb(current);
else if (typeof current === 'bigint') rvalue[i] = current.toString();
else rvalue[i] = current;
return rvalue;