Wroclaw 54907d6eec
All checks were successful
Build dev / build (push) Successful in 1m14s
components/navigation/navigation: actually watch for route changes
the useRoute() did not return ref,
so the previous implementation did not work
2023-12-21 03:39:47 +01:00

41 lines
1.4 KiB

<script setup>
import { useDisplay, useTheme } from "vuetify/lib/framework.mjs";
import { ref, watch } from "vue";
import { navigateTo, useRouter } from "#app";
const route = useRouter().currentRoute;
const { mobile } = useDisplay();
const navOpen = ref(!mobile.value);
const navSelected = ref([route.value.path]);
watch(route, (v) => {
navSelected.value = [v.path];
const theme = useTheme();
function switchTheme() { = ? 'light' : 'dark';
<VAppBar v-if="mobile" order="5">
<VAppBarNavIcon @click.end="navOpen = !navOpen" />
<VToolbarTitle>Database Project</VToolbarTitle>
<VNavigationDrawer v-model="navOpen" :temporary="mobile">
<VList v-model:selected="navSelected" density="compact" nav>
<VListItem prepend-icon="mdi-account" title="Clients" value="/clients" @click="navigateTo('/clients')" />
<VListItem prepend-icon="mdi-receipt-text" title="Orders" value="/orders" @click="navigateTo('/orders')" />
<VDivider />
<template #append>
<VList v-model:selected="navSelected" density="compact" nav>
<VDivider />
<VListItem prepend-icon="mdi-theme-light-dark" title="Switch theme" class="mx-auto" @click="switchTheme()" />
<VListItem prepend-icon="mdi-login" title="My account" value="/login" @click="navigateTo('/login')" />