Compare commits
No commits in common. "main" and "main" have entirely different histories.
63 changed files with 4630 additions and 7880 deletions
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
name: Build dev
runs-on: docker
# Setup
- uses:
node-version: 18
- uses:
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm install -D
# Compile
- name: Build project
if: success()
run: npx nuxi build
# Upload
- name: Package to tar
if: success()
run: tar --create --file build.tar .output/*
- name: Upload build
if: success()
name: WorkshopTasker-${{ github.ref_name }}-${{ github.run_number }}.tar
path: build.tar
@ -6,26 +6,18 @@ Allows for managing order tasks and imported products for a small workshop.
# Running
The project was tested with the nodejs version v18.17.1. It may not work with versions higher than 18 of nodejs.
The project was tested with the nodejs version v18.16.0. It may not work with newer versions of nodejs.
Dev dependencies are required. `npm install -D`
Project uses Oracle MySQL as a database store. It uses environment variables for the connection settings. All provided variables below are required.
| Environment variable | Description |
| `DB_URL` | Database url, see [this]( |
| `DB_HOST` | Database host |
| `DB_PORT` | Database port |
| `DB_USER` | Database user |
| `DB_PASSWORD` | Database password |
| `DB_SCHEMA` | Database schema |
## From Repository
Dev dependencies are required. `npm install -D`.
After setting variables, you can run the project using `npx nuxi dev`.
You can also setup variables by placing .env file in the root of the repository.
When using nix, you can use `nix-shell` to get prisma engines installed in your environment.
## From Actions
You can download build from [repository actions](
You need to extract tar file.
After setting environment variables, you can launch the project using the `node server/index.mjs` command.
After setting variables, you can run the project using `npx nuxi dev` or `npx nuxi preview`.
@ -1,29 +1,20 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue";
import FormClient from "~/components/formClient.vue";
type optionalMap<Optional> = Optional extends true ? undefined : string | number;
// type typeMap<Type extends string = {};
type optionalMap<Optional, type> = Optional extends true ? undefined | type : type;
type typeMap = {
"text": string,
"password": string,
"number": number,
"boolean": boolean,
"none": undefined,
"client": `${bigint}`
export type fieldDefinition<Optional extends boolean = boolean, type extends keyof typeMap = keyof typeMap> = {
export type fieldDefinition<Optional extends boolean = boolean> = {
key: string,
label?: string,
type: type,
type: "text" | "number",
optional?: Optional,
value?: optionalMap<Optional, typeMap[type]>,
value?: optionalMap<Optional>,
const props = defineProps<{
fields: Array<fieldDefinition>,
modelValue?: any,
// eslint-disable-next-line func-call-spacing
@ -32,7 +23,7 @@ const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: "updateSubModelValue", key: fieldDefinition["key"], value: fieldDefinition["value"]): void,
const modelValue = ref<{[key: string]: string | number | boolean | undefined}>({});
const modelValue = ref<{[key: string]: string | number | undefined}>({});
for (const i of props.fields) {
modelValue.value[i.key] = i.value;
@ -49,43 +40,12 @@ emit("update:modelValue", modelValue.value);
<div v-for="i of fields" :key="i.key">
v-if="i.type == 'text'"
v-for="i of fields"
@update:model-value="v => updateModel(i.key, v)"
v-if="i.type == 'password'"
@update:model-value="v => updateModel(i.key, v)"
v-if="i.type == 'number'"
@update:model-value="v => updateModel(i.key, Number(v))"
v-if="i.type == 'boolean'"
@update:model-value="v => updateModel(i.key, Boolean(v))"
<p v-if="i.type == 'none'">
{{ i.label }}
v-if="i.type == 'client'"
:model-value="modelValue[i.key] as `${bigint}`"
@update:model-value="v => updateModel(i.key, v)"
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useFetch, createError } from '#app';
const props = defineProps<{
label?: string,
optional?: boolean,
modelValue?: `${bigint}`,
// eslint-disable-next-line func-call-spacing
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: "update:modelValue", value: `${bigint}`): void,
// FIXME: allow to search all clients instead of newest 50 (needs api call)
const clientsRequest = await useFetch("/api/clients");
if (clientsRequest.error.value) throw createError(clientsRequest.error.value?.data ?? "");
const clients = => {
return {
title: ?? `[null] (${})`,
props: {
subtitle: e.address,
}) ?? [];
:label="label ?? 'Client'"
@update:model-value="v => emit('update:modelValue', v)"
@ -1,22 +1,10 @@
<script setup>
import { useDisplay, useTheme } from "vuetify/lib/framework.mjs";
import { ref, watch } from "vue";
import { navigateTo, useRouter } from "#app";
const route = useRouter().currentRoute;
import { useDisplay } from "vuetify/lib/framework.mjs";
import { ref } from "vue";
import { navigateTo } from "#app";
const { mobile } = useDisplay();
const navOpen = ref(!mobile.value);
const navSelected = ref([route.value.path]);
watch(route, (v) => {
navSelected.value = [v.path];
const theme = useTheme();
function switchTheme() {
|||| = ? 'light' : 'dark';
@ -25,17 +13,22 @@ function switchTheme() {
<VToolbarTitle>Database Project</VToolbarTitle>
<VNavigationDrawer v-model="navOpen" :temporary="mobile">
<VList v-model:selected="navSelected" density="compact" nav>
<!-- <VList>
</VList> -->
<VDivider />
<VList density="compact" nav>
<VListItem prepend-icon="mdi-login" title="Login" value="/login" @click="navigateTo('/login')" />
<VListItem prepend-icon="mdi-account" title="Clients" value="/clients" @click="navigateTo('/clients')" />
<VListItem prepend-icon="mdi-receipt-text" title="Orders" value="/orders" @click="navigateTo('/orders')" />
<VDivider />
<VListItem prepend-icon="mdi-home" title="Home" value="/" @click="navigateTo('/')" />
<VListItem prepend-icon="mdi-table" title="Table Example" value="/tableExample" @click="navigateTo('/tableExample')" />
<VListItem prepend-icon="mdi-form-textarea" title="Echo Form" value="/forms" @click="navigateTo('/forms')" />
<template #append>
<VList v-model:selected="navSelected" density="compact" nav>
<VDivider />
<VListItem prepend-icon="mdi-theme-light-dark" title="Switch theme" class="mx-auto" @click="switchTheme()" />
<VListItem prepend-icon="mdi-login" title="My account" value="/login" @click="navigateTo('/login')" />
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { useFetch } from '#imports';
type Order = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof useFetch<void, any, "/api/orders/:id", "get">>>["data"]["value"];
import { order as orderType } from '~/utils/types/database';
const props = defineProps<{
order?: Order | undefined
order?: orderType
@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ const props = defineProps<{
<tr v-for="i in" :key="">
<td>{{ i.fulfilled }}</td>
<td>{{ i.is_fulfilled }}</td>
{{ }}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const count = ref(0);
<VBtn @click="count++">
Clicky {{ count }} times
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
import { defineNuxtRouteMiddleware, navigateTo, useFetch } from "nuxt/app";
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async (to, from) => {
const firstRun = await useFetch("/api/firstRun");
if (
return navigateTo({ path: "/firstRun" });
@ -1,19 +1,10 @@
import { defineNuxtConfig } from "nuxt/config";
import vuetify, { transformAssetUrls } from 'vite-plugin-vuetify';
export default defineNuxtConfig({
pages: true,
build: {
transpile: ["vuetify"],
modules: [
(_options, nuxt) => {
nuxt.hooks.hook('vite:extendConfig', (config) => {
config.plugins?.push(vuetify({ autoImport: true }));
css: [
@ -27,11 +18,7 @@ export default defineNuxtConfig({
vite: {
vue: {
template: {
// devBundler: "legacy"
imports: {
autoImport: false,
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -13,18 +13,15 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@mdi/font": "^7.2.96",
"@nuxtjs/eslint-config-typescript": "^12.0.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.9.1",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.9.1",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.59.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.59.0",
"eslint": "^8.39.0",
"nuxt": "3.8.2",
"prisma": "5.7.1",
"nuxt": "3.4.0",
"sass": "^1.62.0",
"vite-plugin-vuetify": "^2.0.1",
"vite-plugin-vuetify": "^1.0.2",
"vuetify": "^3.1.15"
"dependencies": {
"@prisma/client": "5.7.1",
"@prisma/engines": "5.7.1",
"@prisma/migrate": "5.7.1"
"mysql2": "^3.2.3"
@ -1,34 +1,29 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, type Ref } from "vue";
/* global $fetch */
import { useRoute, useFetch, createError } from "nuxt/app";
import { ref, Ref } from "vue";
import { VBtn, VForm } from "vuetify/components";
import PagedList from "~/components/pagedList.vue";
import Snowflake from "~/utils/snowflake";
import { client as clientType, order, orderSummary } from "~/utils/types/database";
import OrderView from "~/components/orderView.vue";
import EntryEditor, { type fieldDefinition } from "~/components/entryEditor.vue";
import { useRoute, useFetch, createError, useRequestFetch } from "#imports";
import EntryEditor, { fieldDefinition } from "~/components/entryEditor.vue";
const route = useRoute();
const fetch = useRequestFetch();
const id =;
const clientRequest = await useFetch(`/api/clients/${id}` as "/api/clients/:id");
const clientRequest = await useFetch(`/api/clients/${id}`);
if (clientRequest.error.value) throw createError(clientRequest.error.value?.data ?? "");
type Client = NonNullable<typeof>;
const client = as Ref<Client>;
const client = as Ref<clientType>;
const clientOrdersRequest = await useFetch(`/api/clients/${id}/orders` as "/api/clients/:id/orders");
const clientOrdersRequest = await useFetch(`/api/clients/${id}/orders`);
if (clientOrdersRequest.error.value) throw createError(clientOrdersRequest.error.value?.data ?? "");
type OrderSummary = NonNullable<typeof>;
const clientOrders = as Ref<OrderSummary>;
const clientOrders = as Ref<Array<orderSummary>>;
type Order = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof useFetch<void, any, "/api/orders/:id", "get">>>["data"]["value"];
// cache
const orders = ref<Map<string, {
loading: boolean,
value?: Order
value?: order
}>>(new Map());
for (const i of clientOrders.value)
@ -39,9 +34,9 @@ async function loadOrder(id: string) {
if (!entry) throw createError(`excepted order entry for ${id}`);
entry.loading = true;
// @ts-expect-error
entry.value = await fetch(`/api/orders/${id}` as "/api/order/:id", {
entry.value = await $fetch(`/api/orders/${id}` as "/api/order/:id", {
method: "GET",
}) as Order;
entry.loading = false;
@ -56,10 +51,10 @@ function updatePagedListVModel(element: Array<string>) {
const editMode = ref<boolean>(route.query?.edit === "1");
function editorFields(): Array<fieldDefinition> {
return [
{ key: "name", type: "text", label: "Name", value: ?? "" },
{ key: "address", type: "text", label: "Address", value: client.value.address ?? "" },
{ key: "phone", type: "text", label: "Phone", value: ?? "" },
{ key: "email", type: "text", label: "E-mail", value: ?? "" },
{ key: "name", type: "text", label: "Name", value: ?? undefined },
{ key: "address", type: "text", label: "Address", value: client.value.address ?? undefined },
{ key: "phone", type: "text", label: "Phone", value: ?? undefined },
{ key: "email", type: "text", label: "E-mail", value: ?? undefined },
@ -78,7 +73,7 @@ async function handleSubmit() {
submitting.value = true;
try {
const result = await fetch(
const result = await $fetch(
`/api/clients/${}` as "/api/clients/:id", {
method: "PATCH",
body: formData.value,
@ -189,24 +184,24 @@ function getCreationDate() {
<template #title="i">
<VCol>{{ new Date(Number(new Snowflake(BigInt(( }}</VCol>
<VCol>{{ i.record.value }} PLN</VCol>
<VCol>{{ new Date(Number(new Snowflake(BigInt(((i.record) as orderSummary).id)).timestamp)).toLocaleDateString() }}</VCol>
<VCol>{{ ((i.record) as orderSummary).value }} PLN</VCol>
{{ i.record.imported_products_count }}
{{ ((i.record) as orderSummary).imported_products_count }}
{{ i.record.work_count }}
{{ ((i.record) as orderSummary).work_count }}
<template #text="i">
:height="orders.get( ?? true ? undefined : 0"
:height="orders.get((i.record as orderSummary).id)?.loading ?? true ? undefined : 0"
:progress="orders.get( ?? true"
:indeterminate="orders.get( ?? true"
:progress="orders.get((i.record as orderSummary).id)?.loading ?? true"
:indeterminate="orders.get((i.record as orderSummary).id)?.loading ?? true"
<OrderView :order="orders.get(" />
<OrderView :order="(orders.get((i.record as orderSummary).id)?.value as order | undefined)" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
/* global $fetch */
import { useFetch, createError } from "nuxt/app";
import { ref, Ref } from "vue";
import { definePageMeta } from "~/.nuxt/imports";
import { client as clientType } from "~/utils/types/database";
definePageMeta({ middleware: ["auth"] });
const clientsRequest = await useFetch("/api/clients");
if (clientsRequest.error.value) throw createError(clientsRequest.error.value?.data ?? "");
const clients = as Ref<NonNullable<typeof>>;
const countRequest = await useFetch("/api/clients/count");
if (countRequest.error.value) throw createError(countRequest.error.value?.data ?? "");
const count = as Ref<NonNullable<typeof>>;
function rowClicked(client: string, edit = false) {
async function rowDelete(client: string) {
try {
await $fetch<clientType>(`/api/clients/${client}`, {
method: "DELETE",
clients.value = clients.value.filter(e => !== client);
} catch (e) {
// FIXME: show the error
const loadingMore = ref<boolean>(false);
async function loadBefore() {
loadingMore.value = true;
clients.value.push(...await $fetch("/api/clients", {
query: {
before: clients.value[clients.value.length - 1].id,
loadingMore.value = false;
origin="top center"
<VAlert class="alert">
<VBreadcrumbs :items="['Clients']" />
<VSpacer />
<div class="text-h4">
There are {{ count?.count }} clients in the database.
<VCol cols="12">
<th />
<tr v-for="client in clients" :key="">
<td @click="() => rowClicked(">
{{ }}
<td @click="() => rowClicked(">
{{ client.address }}
<td class="buttons">
<VBtn icon="mdi-pencil" variant="text" @click="() => rowClicked(, true)" />
<VBtn icon="mdi-delete" color="red" variant="text" @click="() => rowDelete(" />
v-if="clients.length < count.count"
Load more
<style scoped>
.buttons {
width: 0;
padding-right: 4px !important;
.buttons > div {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { type NuxtError } from "nuxt/app";
import { ref, type Ref, reactive } from "vue";
/* global $fetch */
import { useFetch, createError, navigateTo, NuxtError, useRoute } from "nuxt/app";
import { ref, Ref, reactive } from "vue";
import { VBtn } from "vuetify/components";
import { definePageMeta } from "~/.nuxt/imports";
import { client as clientType } from "~/utils/types/database";
import pagedTable from "~/components/pagedTable.vue";
import Alerts, { type AlertData } from "~/components/alerts.vue";
import { type fieldDefinition } from "~/components/entryEditor.vue";
import { useFetch, createError, navigateTo, useRoute, definePageMeta, useRequestFetch } from "#imports";
import Alerts, { AlertData } from "~/components/alerts.vue";
import { fieldDefinition } from "~/components/entryEditor.vue";
definePageMeta({ middleware: ["auth"] });
const route = useRoute();
const fetch = useRequestFetch();
const alerts = ref<Array<AlertData>>([]);
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ async function rowClicked(client: string, edit = false) {
async function rowDelete(client: string) {
try {
await fetch(`/api/clients/${client}` as "/api/clients/:id", {
await $fetch<clientType>(`/api/clients/${client}`, {
method: "DELETE",
clients.value = clients.value.filter(e => !== client);
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ async function loadBefore() {
loadingMore.value = true;
try {
clients.value.push(...await fetch("/api/clients", {
clients.value.push(...await $fetch("/api/clients", {
query: {
before: clients.value[clients.value.length - 1].id,
@ -84,21 +84,19 @@ const formData = ref<any>({
function normalizeForm() {
for (const i in formData.value)
formData.value[i] = formData.value[i] === "" || formData.value[i] === undefined ? null : formData.value[i];
formData.value[i] = formData.value[i] === "" ? null : formData.value[i];
async function handleSubmit() {
submitting.value = true;
try {
const result = await fetch(
"/api/clients", {
const result = await $fetch(
"/api/clients/", {
method: "POST",
body: formData.value,
} catch (e) {
submitting.value = false;
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { type NuxtError } from 'nuxt/app';
import { navigateTo, useFetch, definePageMeta, useRequestFetch } from '#imports';
import EntryEditor, { type fieldDefinition } from '~/components/entryEditor.vue';
import Alerts, { type AlertData } from '~/components/alerts.vue';
const editorFields: Array<fieldDefinition> = [
{ key: "username", type: "text", label: "Username", optional: false },
{ key: "password", type: "password", label: "Password", optional: false },
{ key: "email", type: "text", label: "email", optional: false },
const formValue = ref<any>({});
const alerts = ref<Array<AlertData>>([]);
layout: false,
async function submit() {
try {
await useRequestFetch()("/api/firstRun", {
body: formValue.value,
method: "POST",
await navigateTo("/login");
} catch (e) {
alerts.value.push({ text: (e as NuxtError).data.message });
if (!(await useFetch("/api/firstRun")).data.value)
await navigateTo("/login");
<Alerts :alerts="alerts" />
<VCard max-width="450px" class="mx-auto mt-16" variant="outlined">
<template #title>
Initial setup
<template #text>
It looks like you've run the server with an empty or uninitialized database or with database without any users.<br>
Below you can initialize the database register your first user and.
@update-sub-model-value="(k, v) => { formValue[k] = v }"
<template #actions>
<VBtn color="primary" @click="submit">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
/* global $fetch */
import { ref } from 'vue';
const question = ref();
const answer = ref();
async function getAnswer() {
const message = await $fetch("/api/echo", {
body: question.value,
method: "POST",
answer.value = message;
<VCard width="400px">
<template #text>
<VTextarea v-model="question" /><br>
<p>{{ answer }}</p>
<VBtn @click="getAnswer">
@ -1,9 +1,23 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { navigateTo } from '#imports';
<script setup>
import Test from '~/components/test.vue';
<VBtn @click="navigateTo('/clients')" />
<h1>Hi mom!</h1>
<Test />
<Test />
<Test />
<Test />
<Test /><br>
<style scoped>
h1 {
color: blue;
@ -1,39 +1,35 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
/* global $fetch */
import { ref, watch } from "vue";
import { VForm } from "vuetify/components";
import { type CookieRef } from "#app";
import { navigateTo, useCookie, useFetch, useRoute } from "nuxt/app";
import { cookieSettings } from "~/utils/cookieSettings";
import { definePageMeta, navigateTo, useCookie, useFetch, useRoute, useRequestFetch, useRequestEvent } from "#imports";
import { definePageMeta } from "~/.nuxt/imports";
const route = useRoute();
const fetch = useRequestFetch();
const login = ref("");
const password = ref("");
const loading = ref(false);
const error = ref<true | string>(true);
const form = ref<VForm | null>(null);
const tokenCookie = useCookie("token", cookieSettings) as CookieRef<string | undefined>;
const loggedIn = ref<boolean>(tokenCookie.value !== undefined);
watch(tokenCookie, (v) => { loggedIn.value = v !== undefined; });
const loggedIn = ref<boolean>(useCookie("token", cookieSettings).value != null);
const redirectTo = ref(route.redirectedFrom);
layout: false,
middleware: ["first-run"],
async function submit() {
loading.value = true;
try {
const result = await fetch("/api/login", {
const result = await $fetch("/api/login", {
body: { login: login.value, password: password.value },
method: "POST",
tokenCookie.value = result.token;
loggedIn.value = true;
password.value = "";
} catch (e) {
console.log(typeof e);
@ -48,10 +44,9 @@ async function submit() {
async function logout() {
try {
await fetch("/api/logout");
await $fetch("/api/logout");
loggedIn.value = false;
} catch (e) {
tokenCookie.value = undefined;
@ -61,7 +56,7 @@ watch(loggedIn, updateUserInfo);
async function updateUserInfo() {
if (loggedIn.value) {
try {
userInfo.value = JSON.stringify(await fetch("/api/users/me"));
userInfo.value = JSON.stringify(await $fetch("/api/users/me"));
} catch (e) {
// expected if the user is not logged in
userInfo.value = "";
@ -71,7 +66,7 @@ async function updateUserInfo() {
await updateUserInfo();
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, type Ref } from "vue";
import { VBtn } from "vuetify/components";
import type { NuxtError } from "#app";
import Alerts, { type AlertData } from "~/components/alerts.vue";
import { type fieldDefinition } from "~/components/entryEditor.vue";
import { definePageMeta, useFetch, createError, useRoute, navigateTo, useRequestFetch } from "#imports";
definePageMeta({ middleware: ["auth"] });
const route = useRoute();
const fetch = useRequestFetch();
const alerts = ref<Array<AlertData>>([]);
const ordersRequest = await useFetch("/api/orders");
if (ordersRequest.error.value) throw createError(ordersRequest.error.value?.data ?? "");
const orders = as Ref<NonNullable<typeof>>;
const countRequest = await useFetch("/api/orders/count");
if (countRequest.error.value) throw createError(countRequest.error.value?.data ?? "");
const count = as Ref<NonNullable<typeof>>;
const createMode = ref<boolean>(route.query?.create === "1");
async function rowClicked(client: string, edit = false) {
await navigateTo({
path: `/order/${client}`,
query: { edit: edit ? 1 : undefined },
async function rowDelete(client: string) {
try {
await fetch(`/api/orders/${client}` as "/api/orders/:id", {
method: "DELETE",
orders.value = orders.value.filter(e => !== client);
} catch (e) {
alerts.value.push({ text: (e as NuxtError).message, type: "error" });
const loadingMore = ref<boolean>(false);
async function loadBefore() {
loadingMore.value = true;
try {
orders.value.push(...await fetch("/api/orders", {
query: {
before: orders.value[orders.value.length - 1].id,
} catch (e) {
alerts.value.push({ text: (e as NuxtError).message });
loadingMore.value = false;
function editorFields(): fieldDefinition[] {
return [
{ key: "clientId", type: "client", label: "Client" },
{ key: "draft", type: "boolean", label: "Draft", value: true },
{ key: "imported_products", type: "none", label: "imported_produts - TBA" },
{ key: "work", type: "none", label: "work - TBA" },
const submitting = ref<boolean>(false);
// const updateForm = ref<VForm | null>(null);
const formButton = ref<VBtn | null>(null);
const formData = ref<any>({});
function normalizeForm() {
for (const i in formData.value)
formData.value[i] = formData.value[i] === "" ? null : formData.value[i];
formData.value.imported_products = [];
|||| = [];
async function handleSubmit() {
submitting.value = true;
try {
const result = await fetch(
"/api/orders", {
method: "POST",
body: formData.value,
imported_products_count: result.imported_products.length,
// NOTE: currently all newly created orders on this page are valued zero
value: 0,
} catch (e) {
submitting.value = false;
submitting.value = false;
createMode.value = false;
<Alerts :alerts="alerts" />
:activator="formButton as unknown as (Element | null) ?? undefined"
<VCard width="400px" :loading="submitting">
Create client
@update-sub-model-value="(k, v) => { formData[k] = v; }"
<VBreadcrumbs :items="['Orders']" />
<VSpacer />
<div class="text-h4">
There are {{ count?.count }} orders in the database.
<VCol cols="12">
<th />
:fields="['client', 'Draft']"
@click="(id) => rowClicked(id, false)"
@click:edit="(id) => rowClicked(id, true)"
@click:delete="(id) => rowDelete(id)"
v-if="orders.length < count.count"
Load more
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useFetch } from '#app';
import { ref } from 'vue';
const tableContent = ref(await useFetch("/api/dbtest").data);
<v-card width="min-content">
<th />
<tr v-for="row in tableContent" :key="">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ row.nazwa }}</td>
<td>{{ row.adres }}</td>
<td>{{ row.kontakt }}</td>
<v-btn-group variant="plain">
<v-btn icon="mdi-pencil" color="main" />
<v-btn icon="mdi-delete" color="red" />
<tr class="last">
<td><v-text-field label="nazwa" density="compact" /></td>
<td><v-text-field label="adres" density="compact" /></td>
<td><v-text-field label="kontakt" density="compact" /></td>
<td><v-btn icon="mdi-plus" variant="plain" class="rounded" /></td>
<style scoped>
.last td:not(:last-child):not(:first-child) {
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app';
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
const vuetify = createVuetify({
ssr: true,
theme: {
@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
datasource db {
provider = "mysql"
url = env("DB_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
model User {
id BigInt @id @unique @default(dbgenerated("(((unix_timestamp() * 1000) * pow(2,22)) + floor((rand() * pow(2,12))))")) @db.UnsignedBigInt
username String @unique @db.VarChar(30)
email String @unique @db.VarChar(128)
password Bytes @db.Binary(64)
display_name String? @db.VarChar(30)
managedOrders Order[]
sessions Session[]
model Session {
id BigInt @id @default(dbgenerated("(((unix_timestamp() * 1000) * pow(2,22)) + floor((rand() * pow(2,12))))")) @db.UnsignedBigInt
userId BigInt @map("user") @db.UnsignedBigInt
sessionToken Bytes @db.Binary(64)
expiry_date DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("(now() + interval 30 day)")) @db.Timestamp(0)
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
@@index([userId], map: "user_idx")
model Client {
id BigInt @id @default(dbgenerated("(((unix_timestamp() * 1000) * pow(2,22)) + floor((rand() * pow(2,12))))")) @db.UnsignedBigInt
name String? @db.VarChar(128)
address String? @db.VarChar(128)
phone String? @db.VarChar(16)
email String? @db.VarChar(128)
orders Order[]
model Order {
id BigInt @id @default(dbgenerated("(((unix_timestamp() * 1000) * pow(2,22)) + floor((rand() * pow(2,12))))")) @db.UnsignedBigInt
clientId BigInt @db.UnsignedBigInt @map("client")
userId BigInt @db.UnsignedBigInt @map("user")
draft Boolean @default(true) @map("is_draft") @db.TinyInt
imported_products ImportedProduct[]
client Client @relation(fields: [clientId], references: [id])
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
work Work[]
model ImportedProduct {
id BigInt @id @default(dbgenerated("(((unix_timestamp() * 1000) * pow(2,22)) + floor((rand() * pow(2,12))))")) @db.UnsignedBigInt
orderId BigInt @db.UnsignedBigInt @map("order")
name String? @db.VarChar(128)
link String @db.VarChar(1024)
price_imported Decimal @default(0.00) @db.Decimal(10, 2)
price Decimal @default(0.00) @db.Decimal(10, 2)
order Order @relation(fields: [orderId], references: [id])
model Offer {
id BigInt @id @default(dbgenerated("(((unix_timestamp() * 1000) * pow(2,22)) + floor((rand() * pow(2,12))))")) @db.UnsignedBigInt
name String @db.VarChar(45)
description String? @db.Text
recommended_price Decimal? @db.Decimal(10, 2)
work Work[]
model OrderTemplate {
id BigInt @id @default(dbgenerated("(((unix_timestamp() * 1000) * pow(2,22)) + floor((rand() * pow(2,12))))")) @db.UnsignedBigInt
name String @db.VarChar(45)
description String? @db.Text
work_templates WorkTemplate[]
model Work {
id BigInt @id @default(dbgenerated("(((unix_timestamp() * 1000) * pow(2,22)) + floor((rand() * pow(2,12))))")) @db.UnsignedBigInt
orderId BigInt @map("order") @db.UnsignedBigInt
offerId BigInt @map("offer") @db.UnsignedBigInt
price Decimal @db.Decimal(10, 2)
notes String? @db.Text
fulfilled Boolean @default(false) @map("is_fulfilled") @db.TinyInt
order Order @relation(fields: [orderId], references: [id])
offer Offer @relation(fields: [offerId], references: [id])
@@index([offerId], map: "offer_idx")
@@index([orderId], map: "order_idx")
model WorkTemplate {
id BigInt @id @default(dbgenerated("(((unix_timestamp() * 1000) * pow(2,22)) + floor((rand() * pow(2,12))))")) @db.UnsignedBigInt
orderTemplateId BigInt @map("order_template") @db.UnsignedBigInt
offerId BigInt @map("offer") @db.UnsignedBigInt
price Decimal @default(0.00) @db.Decimal(10, 2)
notes String? @db.Text
orderTemplate OrderTemplate @relation(fields: [orderTemplateId], references: [id])
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler getQuery, createError */
import getPaginatedParameters from "../utils/baaPageParsing";
import { database } from "../utils/database";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import BaaPagination from "~/server/utils/baaPagination";
import { client } from "~/utils/types/database";
export const baaWrapper = new BaaPagination<client, "id">("clients", "id");
export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
const pageParameters = getPaginatedParameters(e, 50, 200);
return database.client.findPaginated(pageParameters, {}).then(prismaToWeb);
return baaWrapper.RESTget(e);
@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
import { defineEventHandler, readBody, setResponseStatus } from "h3";
import { type Client } from "@prisma/client";
/* global defineEventHandler, createError, readBody */
import getRequestingUser from "../utils/getRequestingUser";
import { database } from "../utils/database";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import Snowflake from "~/utils/snowflake";
import { createError } from "#imports";
import { baaWrapper } from "./clients.get";
import { client } from "~/utils/types/database";
const clientKeys: Array<string> = [
@ -15,10 +10,10 @@ const clientKeys: Array<string> = [
export function checkIsClient<Patch extends boolean = boolean>(
export function checkIsClient(
value: any,
patch: Patch,
): value is Patch extends true ? Partial<Omit<Client, "id">> : Omit<Client, "id"> {
required = false,
): value is Partial<Omit<client, "id">> {
const errors = new Map<string, string>();
if (typeof value !== "object") {
@ -28,12 +23,12 @@ export function checkIsClient<Patch extends boolean = boolean>(
if (!(typeof === "string" || === null || (patch && === undefined))) errors.set("name", "is not string or null");
if (!(typeof value.address === "string" || value.address === null || (patch && value.address === undefined))) errors.set("address", "is not string or null");
if (!(typeof === "string" || === null || (patch && === undefined))) errors.set("phone", "is not string or null");
if (!(typeof === "string" || === null || (patch && === undefined))) errors.set("email", "is not string or null");
if (!(typeof === "string" || === null || (!required && === undefined))) errors.set("name", "is not string or null");
if (!(typeof value.address === "string" || value.address === null || (!required && value.address === undefined))) errors.set("address", "is not string or null");
if (!(typeof === "string" || === null || (!required && === undefined))) errors.set("phone", "is not string or null");
if (!(typeof === "string" || === null || (!required && === undefined))) errors.set("email", "is not string or null");
for (const i in value as Partial<Omit<Client, "id">>)
for (const i in value as Partial<Omit<client, "id">>)
if (!clientKeys.includes(i)) errors.set(i, `excessive property`);
if (errors.size !== 0) {
@ -53,20 +48,6 @@ export function checkIsClient<Patch extends boolean = boolean>(
return true;
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const body = await readBody(e);
const id = new Snowflake().state;
const user = await getRequestingUser(e);
if (!checkIsClient(body, false)) throw createError({ message: "Invalid body", statusCode: 400 });
const rvalue = await database.client.create({
data: {
setResponseStatus(e, 201);
return prismaToWeb(rvalue);
export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
return baaWrapper.RESTpost(e, clientKeys as Array<keyof Omit<client, "id">>, (o): o is Omit<client, "id"> => checkIsClient(o, true));
@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler */
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { baaWrapper } from "../clients.get";
import { createError } from "#imports";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const id = e.context.params?.id as string;
try {
await database.client.delete({
where: {
id: BigInt(id),
} catch (e) {
// FIXME: should be 500 on errors other than "RecordNotFound"
throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
return null;
export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
return baaWrapper.RESTdeleteRecord(e);
@ -1,18 +1,7 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler */
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import { baaWrapper } from "../clients.get";
import { createError } from "#imports";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const key = e.context.params?.id as string;
const rvalue = await database.client.findUnique({
where: {
id: BigInt(key),
if (!rvalue) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
return prismaToWeb(rvalue);
export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
return baaWrapper.RESTgetRecord(e);
@ -1,23 +1,8 @@
import { defineEventHandler, readBody } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler */
import { checkIsClient } from "../";
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import { baaWrapper } from "../clients.get";
import { createError } from "#imports";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const body = await readBody(e);
const id = e.context.params?.id as string;
if (!checkIsClient(body, true)) throw createError({ message: "Invalid body", statusCode: 400 });
const rvalue = await database.client.update({
where: {
id: BigInt(id),
data: body,
return prismaToWeb(rvalue);
export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
return baaWrapper.RESTpatchRecord(e, checkIsClient);
@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler */
import { getOrders } from "~/server/api/orders.get";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import getPaginatedParameters from "~/server/utils/baaPageParsing";
import { baaWrapper } from "~/server/api/orders.get";
export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
const pageParameters = getPaginatedParameters(e, 50, 200);
const clientId = e.context.params?.id as string;
return getOrders(
clientId: BigInt(clientId),
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const baa = await baaWrapper.RESTget(e, 50, 200, "`client` = ?", [e.context.params?.id]);
return baa;
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler */
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { baaWrapper } from "../clients.get";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
return {
count: await database.client.count({}),
export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
return baaWrapper.RESTrecordCount(e);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
/* global defineEventHandler */
import { database } from "../utils/database";
export default defineEventHandler(async () => {
const [owo] = await database.execute("SELECT * FROM `sch_baza_smartfony`.`lombardy`");
return owo as {id: number, nazwa: string, adres: string, kontakt: string}[];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
/* global defineEventHandler, readBody */
import { RowDataPacket } from "mysql2";
import { database } from "../utils/database";
import { isString } from "../utils/isString";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const data = await readBody(e);
const nazwa = data.nazwa;
const adres = data.adres;
const kontakt = data.kontakt;
if (!isString(nazwa)) throw new Error("nazwa is not string");
if (!isString(adres)) throw new Error("adres is not string");
if (!isString(kontakt)) throw new Error("kontakt is not string");
const [inserted] = await database.query("INSERT INTO `sch_baza_smartfony`.`lombardy` (`nazwa`, `adres`, `kontakt`) VALUES (?, ?, ?);", [nazwa, adres, kontakt]) as RowDataPacket[];
return {
id: inserted.insertId as number,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
/* global defineEventHandler */
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
if (!e.context.params?.id) return Error("id is not provided");
const rowID =;
await database.execute("DELETE FROM `sch_baza_smartfony`.`lombardy` WHERE `id` = ?", [rowID]);
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler */
export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
const message =;
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
import { database } from "../utils/database";
export async function isFirstRun() {
try {
const numberOfUsers = await database.user.count();
return numberOfUsers === 0;
} catch {
// We could fall here if the database is not initialized
return true;
export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
return isFirstRun();
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
import url from "node:url";
import path from "node:path";
import { defineEventHandler, setResponseStatus, readBody } from "h3";
// eslint-disable-next-line import/default
import PrismaMigrate from "@prisma/migrate";
import { database } from "../utils/database";
import { isFirstRun } from "./firstRun.get";
import { getPasswordHash } from "./";
import Snowflake from "~/utils/snowflake";
import { createError } from "#imports";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
if (!isFirstRun()) {
setResponseStatus(e, 404);
return null;
const body = await readBody(e);
if (typeof body !== "object") throw createError({ message: "Invalid body", statusCode: 400 });
const username = body.username;
if (typeof username !== "string") throw createError({ message: "username is not string", statusCode: 400 });
const password = body.password;
if (typeof password !== "string") throw createError({ message: "password is not string", statusCode: 400 });
const email =;
if (typeof email !== "string") throw createError({ message: "email is not string", statusCode: 400 });
const dbPushParam = [
if (! ?? true) {
const mainPath = path.dirname(url.fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
await (new PrismaMigrate.DbPush()).parse(dbPushParam);
await database.user.create({
data: {
id: new Snowflake().state,
password: getPasswordHash(password),
return null;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler */
export default defineEventHandler(() => {
return "Hi mom!";
@ -1,18 +1,10 @@
/* global defineEventHandler, getCookie, setCookie, readBody, createError */
import crypto from "crypto";
import { defineEventHandler, getCookie, setCookie, readBody } from "h3";
import { database } from "../utils/database";
import { database, data } from "../utils/database";
import { isString } from "../utils/isString";
import { cookieSettings } from "../utils/rootUtils";
import SessionToken from "../utils/SessionToken";
import { createError } from "#imports";
export function getPasswordHash(password: string) {
return crypto.createHmac("sha512", "42")
import Snowflake from "~/utils/snowflake";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
if (getCookie(e, "token"))
@ -26,25 +18,23 @@ export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
if (!isString(login)) throw createError({ statusCode: 400, message: "Login is not string." });
if (!isString(password)) throw createError({ statusCode: 400, message: "Password is not string." });
const hashedPassword = getPasswordHash(password);
const hashedPassword = crypto.createHmac("sha512", "42")
const account = await database.user.findUnique({
where: {
username: login,
password: hashedPassword,
select: {
id: true,
const [account] = await database.query(
"SELECT CONVERT(`id`, CHAR(32)) AS `id` from `users` WHERE `username` = ? AND LOWER(HEX(`password`)) = ? LIMIT 1",
[login, hashedPassword],
)as unknown as data<{id: string}>;
if (account === null) throw createError({ statusCode: 400, message: "Invalid username or password." });
if (account.length === 0) throw createError({ statusCode: 400, message: "Invalid username or password." });
const session = new SessionToken(;
const sessionId = new Snowflake().toString();
await database.session.create({
data: session.toPrisma(),
setCookie(e, "token", session.toString(), cookieSettings);
return { message: "Login successful", token: session.toString() };
await database.query(
"INSERT INTO `sessions` (`id`, `user`) VALUES ( ? , ? )",
[sessionId, account[0].id],
setCookie(e, "token", sessionId, cookieSettings);
return { message: "Login successful", token: sessionId };
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
import { defineEventHandler, getCookie, deleteCookie } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler, createError, getCookie, deleteCookie */
import { isAuthorised } from "../middleware/auth";
import { database } from "../utils/database";
import { cookieSettings } from "../utils/rootUtils";
import { createError } from "#imports";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const token = getCookie(e, "token");
if (token === undefined) {
@ -23,10 +21,9 @@ export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
where: {
id: BigInt(token),
"DELETE FROM `sessions` WHERE `id` = ?",
return { message: "Logged out" };
@ -1,65 +1,37 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
import { type Order, type Client, Prisma } from "@prisma/client";
/* global defineEventHandler */
import getPaginatedParameters, { type pageData } from "../utils/baaPageParsing";
import { database } from "../utils/database";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import BaaPagination from "../utils/baaPagination";
import { data, database } from "../utils/database";
import { client, orderSummary } from "~/utils/types/database";
type orderSummary = Omit<Order, "clientId"> & {
client: Client;
value: number;
imported_products_count: number;
work_count: number;
export const baaWrapper = new BaaPagination<orderSummary, "id">(
"*, CONVERT(`client`, CHAR) AS `client`, CONVERT(`user`, CHAR) as `user`",
export async function getOrders(
pageParameters: pageData,
where?: Prisma.OrderWhereInput,
) {
const data = await database.order.findPaginated(
select: {
id: true,
client: true,
userId: true,
draft: true,
imported_products: {
select: {
price: true,
work: {
select: {
price: true,
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const orders = await baaWrapper.RESTget(e, 50, 200);
const rvalue = new Array<orderSummary>();
for (const i of data) {
const importedProductsPriceSum = i.imported_products.reduce((pv, cv) => pv + cv.price.toNumber(), 0);
const workPriceSum =, cv) => pv + cv.price.toNumber(), 0);
client: i.client,
draft: i.draft,
imported_products_count: i.imported_products.length,
userId: i.userId,
value: importedProductsPriceSum + workPriceSum,
const uniqueClients: Array<string> = [];
for (const i of orders) {
if (!uniqueClients.includes(i.client))
return rvalue;
const [clients] = await database.query(
"CONVERT(`id`, CHAR) AS `id`",
"FROM `clients`",
"WHERE `id` IN",
`(${uniqueClients.join(', ')})`,
].join(" "),
) as data<client>;
export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
const pageParameters = getPaginatedParameters(e, 50, 200);
return getOrders(pageParameters, {}).then(prismaToWeb);
const rvalue: Array<Omit<typeof orders, "client"> | { client?: client }> = [];
for (const i of orders)
rvalue.push({ ...i, client: clients.find(e => i.client === });
return rvalue;
@ -1,44 +1,37 @@
import { defineEventHandler, readBody, setResponseStatus } from "h3";
import * as Prisma from "@prisma/client";
/* global defineEventHandler, createError, readBody, setResponseStatus */
import { createValidationError, handleRecursedValidationError } from "../utils/validation";
import { database } from "../utils/database";
import { database as db } from "../utils/database";
import getRequestingUser from "../utils/getRequestingUser";
import { getOrder } from "./orders/[id].get";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import Snowflake from "~/utils/snowflake";
import { createError } from "#imports";
type importedProduct<inOrder extends boolean = boolean> = {
orderId: inOrder extends true ? never : string,
type importedProduct = {
name: string | null,
link: string,
price_imported: number,
price: number,
type work<inOrder extends boolean = boolean> = {
orderId: inOrder extends true ? never : string,
offerId: string,
type work = {
offer: string,
price: number,
notes: string | null,
fulfilled: boolean,
is_fulfilled: boolean | 0 | 1,
type order = {
clientId: string,
// userId: string,
draft: boolean,
imported_products: Array<importedProduct<true>>,
work: Array<work<true>>,
client: string,
// user: string,
is_draft: boolean | 0 | 1,
imported_products: Array<importedProduct>,
work: Array<work>,
export function checkIsWork<Patch extends boolean = boolean, inOrder extends boolean = boolean>(
export function checkIsWork<Patch extends boolean = boolean>(
value: any,
patch: Patch,
needsOrderId: inOrder,
): value is Patch extends true ? Partial<work<inOrder>> : work<inOrder> {
): value is Patch extends true ? Partial<work> : work {
const errors = new Map<string, string>();
if (typeof value !== "object") {
@ -48,24 +41,19 @@ export function checkIsWork<Patch extends boolean = boolean, inOrder extends boo
if (!(typeof value.orderId === "string" || (patch && value.orderId === undefined) || !needsOrderId)) errors.set("orderId", "is not string");
if (!(typeof value.offerId === "string" || (patch && value.offerId === undefined))) errors.set("offerId", "is not string");
if (!(typeof value.offer === "string" || (patch && value.offer === undefined))) errors.set("offer", "is not string");
if (!(typeof value.price === "number" || (patch && value.price === undefined))) errors.set("price", "is not price");
if (!(typeof value.notes === "string" || value.notes === null || (patch && value.notes === undefined))) errors.set("notes", "is not string or null");
if (!(typeof value.is_fulfilled === "boolean" || (patch && value.is_fulfilled === undefined))) errors.set("is_fulfilled", "is not boolean");
// TODO: Excessive property checking
// Excessive properties should be checked and an error should be thrown if there is one
if (!(typeof value.is_fulfilled === "boolean" || value.is_fulfilled === 0 || value.is_fulfilled === 1 || (patch && value.is_fulfilled === undefined))) errors.set("is_fulfilled", "is not boolean");
if (errors.size !== 0) throw createValidationError(errors);
return true;
export function checkIsImportedProduct<Patch extends boolean = boolean, inOrder extends boolean = boolean>(
export function checkIsImportedProduct<Patch extends boolean = boolean>(
value: any,
patch: Patch,
needsOrderId: inOrder,
): value is Patch extends true ? Partial<importedProduct<inOrder>> : importedProduct<inOrder> {
): value is Patch extends true ? Partial<importedProduct> : importedProduct {
const errors = new Map<string, string>();
if (typeof value !== "object") {
@ -75,14 +63,10 @@ export function checkIsImportedProduct<Patch extends boolean = boolean, inOrder
if (!(typeof value.orderId === "string" || (patch && value.orderId === undefined) || !needsOrderId)) errors.set("orderId", "is not string");
if (!(typeof === "string" || === null || (patch && === undefined))) errors.set("name", "is not string or null");
if (!(typeof === "string" || (patch && === undefined))) errors.set("link", "is not string");
if (!(typeof value.price_imported === "number" || (patch && === undefined))) errors.set("price_imported", "is not number");
if (!(typeof value.price === "number" || (patch && value.price === undefined))) errors.set("price", "is not number");
// TODO: Excessive property checking
// Excessive properties should be checked and an error should be thrown if there is one
if (!(typeof value.price || (patch && value.price === undefined))) errors.set("price", "is not number");
if (errors.size !== 0) throw createValidationError(errors);
@ -92,7 +76,7 @@ export function checkIsImportedProduct<Patch extends boolean = boolean, inOrder
export function checkIsOrder<Patch extends boolean = boolean>(
value: any,
patch: Patch,
): value is Patch extends true ? Partial<Omit<order, "imported_products" | "work">> : order {
): value is Patch extends true ? Partial<Pick<order, "client" | "is_draft">> : order {
const errors = new Map<string, string>();
if (typeof value !== "object") {
@ -102,22 +86,19 @@ export function checkIsOrder<Patch extends boolean = boolean>(
if (!(typeof value.clientId === "string" || (patch && value.clientId === undefined))) errors.set("clientId", "is not string");
if (!(typeof value.draft === "boolean" || (patch && value.is_draft === undefined))) errors.set("draft", "is not boolean");
if (!(typeof value.client === "string" || (patch && value.client === undefined))) errors.set("client", "is not string");
if (!(typeof value.is_draft === "boolean" || value.is_draft === 0 || value.is_draft === 1 || (patch && value.is_draft === undefined))) errors.set("is_draft", "is not boolean");
if (!(value.imported_products instanceof Array)) errors.set("imported_products", "is not array");
else if (patch && value.imported_products !== undefined) errors.set("imported_products", "cannot patch from order");
if (!( instanceof Array)) errors.set("work", "is not array");
else if (patch && !== undefined) errors.set("work", "cannot patch from order");
// TODO: Excessive property checking
// Excessive properties should be checked and an error should be thrown if there is one
if (!patch) {
const importedProducts = value.imported_products;
if (importedProducts instanceof Array) {
for (const i in importedProducts) {
try {
checkIsImportedProduct(importedProducts[i], patch, false);
checkIsImportedProduct(importedProducts[i], patch);
} catch (e) {
handleRecursedValidationError(e, errors, `imported_products[${i}]`);
@ -128,7 +109,7 @@ export function checkIsOrder<Patch extends boolean = boolean>(
if (work instanceof Array) {
for (const i in work) {
try {
checkIsWork(work[i], patch, false);
checkIsWork(work[i], patch);
} catch (e) {
handleRecursedValidationError(e, errors, `work[${i}]`);
@ -143,49 +124,49 @@ export function checkIsOrder<Patch extends boolean = boolean>(
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const body = await readBody(e);
const id = new Snowflake().state;
const id = new Snowflake().toString();
const user = await getRequestingUser(e);
if (!checkIsOrder(body, false)) throw createError({ message: "Invalid body", statusCode: 400 });
await database.order.create({
data: {
clientId: BigInt(body.clientId),
draft: body.draft,
imported_products: {
createMany: {
data: body.imported_products.reduce(
(pV, cV) => {
id: new Snowflake().state,
return pV;
[] as Array<Omit<Prisma.Prisma.ImportedProductCreateManyOrderInput, "orderId">>,
work: {
createMany: {
(pV, cV) => {
id: new Snowflake().state,
offerId: BigInt(cV.offerId),
return pV;
[] as Array<Omit<Prisma.Prisma.WorkCreateManyOrderInput, "orderId">>,
const database = await;
await database.beginTransaction();
await database.query(
"(?, ?, ?, ?)",
].join(" "),
[id, body.client,, body.is_draft],
const promises: Array<Promise<any>> = [];
for (const i of body.imported_products) {
"(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
].join(" "),
[new Snowflake().toString(), id,,, i.price_imported, i.price],
for (const i of {
"(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
].join(" "),
[new Snowflake().toString(), id, i.offer, i.price, i.notes, i.is_fulfilled],
await Promise.all(promises);
await database.commit();
setResponseStatus(e, 201);
return getOrder(id).then(prismaToWeb);
return getOrder(id);
@ -1,22 +1,17 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler, createError */
import { ResultSetHeader } from "mysql2";
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { createError } from "#imports";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const id = e.context.params?.id as string;
const id = e.context.params?.id;
try {
await database.order.delete({
where: {
id: BigInt(id),
} catch (e) {
// FIXME: should be 500 on errors other than "RecordNotFound"
throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
const [result] = await database.query(
"DELETE FROM `orders` WHERE `id` = ?",
) as unknown as [ResultSetHeader];
if (result.affectedRows === 0) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
return null;
@ -1,39 +1,108 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
import { createError } from "#imports";
/* global defineEventHandler, createError */
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import { offer as offerType, order } from "~/utils/types/database";
import { database, data } from "~/server/utils/database";
export async function orderExists(id: bigint) {
const exists = await database.order.findUnique({
where: {
return exists !== null;
export async function orderExists(id: string) {
const [[exists]] = await database.query(
"SELECT EXISTS(*) AS `exists` FROM `orders` WHERE `id` = ?",
) as data<{exists: 0 | 1}>;
return exists.exists === 1;
export async function getOrder(id: bigint) {
const order = await database.order.findUnique({
where: {
include: {
imported_products: true,
work: {
include: {
offer: true,
client: true,
export async function getImportedProducts(id: string) {
const [importedProducts] = await database.query(
"CONVERT(`id`, CHAR) AS `id`,",
"FROM `imported_products`",
"WHERE `order` = ?",
].join(" "),
) as data<{
id: string,
name: string | null,
link: string,
price: string,
price_imported: string
return importedProducts;
export async function getWork(id: string) {
const [work] = await database.query(
"CONVERT(`id`, CHAR) AS `id`,",
"CONVERT(`offer`, CHAR) AS `offer`,",
"FROM `work`",
"WHERE `order` = ?",
].join(" "),
) as data<{
id: string,
offer: offerType,
price: number,
notes: string | null,
is_fulfilled: 0 | 1,
const [offer] = await database.query(
"CONVERT(`offer`.`id`, CHAR) AS `id`,",
"LEFT JOIN `offer` ON `work`.`offer` = `offer`.`id`",
"WHERE `work`.`order` = ?",
].join(" "),
) as data<offerType>;
// @ts-ignore i.offer is string, but it needs to be an offer object
for (const i of work) i.offer = offer.find(e => === i.offer) as offerType;
return work;
export async function getOrder(id: string): Promise<order> {
const [[order]] = await database.query(
"CONVERT(`id`, CHAR) AS `id`,",
"CONVERT(`client`, CHAR) AS `client`,",
"CONVERT(`user`, CHAR) AS `user`, ",
"FROM `orderSummaries`",
"WHERE `id` = ?",
].join(" "),
) as data<{
id: string,
client: string,
user: string,
is_draft: 0 | 1,
value: number,
if (!order) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
return order;
const importedProducts = await getImportedProducts(id);
const work = await getWork(id);
return { ...order, imported_products: importedProducts, work };
export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
const key = e.context.params?.id as string;
return getOrder(BigInt(key)).then(prismaToWeb);
const key = e.context.params?.id;
return getOrder(key as string);
@ -1,27 +1,17 @@
import { defineEventHandler, readBody } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler, readBody, createError */
import { checkIsOrder } from "../";
import { getOrder } from "./[id].get";
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import { createError } from "#imports";
import { database as db } from "~/server/utils/database";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const body = await readBody(e);
const id = e.context.params?.id as string;
const id = e.context.params?.id;
if (!checkIsOrder(body, true)) throw createError({ message: "Invalid body", statusCode: 400 });
if (!checkIsOrder(e, true)) throw createError({ message: "Invalid body", statusCode: 400 });
await database.order.update({
where: {
id: BigInt(id),
data: {
clientId: body.clientId ? BigInt(body.clientId) : undefined,
draft: body.draft,
const database = await;
await database.beginTransaction();
return getOrder(BigInt(id)).then(prismaToWeb);
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(body))
database.query(`UPDATE TABLE \`orders\` SET \`${k}\` = ? WHERE \`id\` = ?`, [v, id]);
@ -1,27 +1,12 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler, createError */
import { orderExists } from "../[id].get";
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import { createError } from "#imports";
import { orderExists, getImportedProducts } from "../[id].get";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const orderId = e.context.params?.id as string;
const id = e.context.params?.id as string;
if (!(await orderExists(BigInt(orderId)))) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
if (!orderExists(id)) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
return database.importedProduct.findMany({
where: {
orderId: BigInt(orderId),
select: {
id: true,
link: true,
name: true,
orderId: true,
price: true,
price_imported: true,
const importedProducts = await getImportedProducts(id);
return importedProducts;
@ -1,33 +1,27 @@
import { defineEventHandler, readBody, setResponseStatus } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler, readBody, createError, setResponseStatus */
import { checkIsImportedProduct } from "../../";
import { orderExists } from "../[id].get";
import { getImportedProducts, orderExists } from "../[id].get";
import Snowflake from "~/utils/snowflake";
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import { createError } from "#imports";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const body = await readBody(e);
const idOrder = e.context.params?.id as string;
const idImportedProduct = new Snowflake().state;
const idImportedProducts = new Snowflake().toString();
if (!await orderExists(BigInt(idOrder))) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
if (!checkIsImportedProduct(body, false, false)) throw createError({ message: "Invalid body", statusCode: 400 });
if (!orderExists(idOrder)) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
if (!checkIsImportedProduct(body, false)) throw createError({ message: "Invalid body", statusCode: 400 });
const rvalue = await database.importedProduct.create({
data: {
id: idImportedProduct,
orderId: BigInt(idOrder),
price: body.price,
price_imported: body.price_imported,
await database.query(
"(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
].join(" "),
[idImportedProducts, idOrder,,, body.price_imported, body.price],
setResponseStatus(e, 201);
return prismaToWeb(rvalue);
return getImportedProducts(idOrder);
@ -1,31 +1,12 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler, createError */
import { orderExists } from "../[id].get";
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import { createError } from "#imports";
import { orderExists, getWork } from "../[id].get";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const orderId = e.context.params?.id as string;
const id = e.context.params?.id as string;
if (!await orderExists(BigInt(orderId))) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
if (!orderExists(id)) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
const data = await{
where: {
orderId: BigInt(orderId),
select: {
id: true,
fulfilled: true,
notes: true,
offer: true,
orderId: true,
price: true,
if (!data) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
return prismaToWeb(data);
const work = await getWork(id);
return work;
@ -1,34 +1,28 @@
import { defineEventHandler, readBody, setResponseStatus } from "h3";
import { Prisma } from "@prisma/client";
/* global defineEventHandler, readBody, createError, setResponseStatus */
import { checkIsWork } from "../../";
import { orderExists } from "../[id].get";
import { getWork, orderExists } from "../[id].get";
import Snowflake from "~/utils/snowflake";
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import { createError } from "#imports";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const body = await readBody(e);
const idOrder = e.context.params?.id as string;
const idWork = new Snowflake().state;
const idWork = new Snowflake().toString();
if (!orderExists(BigInt(idOrder))) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
if (!checkIsWork(body, false, false)) throw createError({ message: "Invalid body", statusCode: 400 });
if (!orderExists(idOrder)) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
if (!checkIsWork(body, false)) throw createError({ message: "Invalid body", statusCode: 400 });
const rvalue = await{
data: {
id: BigInt(idWork),
fulfilled: body.fulfilled,
notes: body.notes,
offerId: BigInt(body.offerId),
orderId: BigInt(body.orderId),
price: new Prisma.Decimal(body.price),
await database.query(
"(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
].join(" "),
[idWork, idOrder, body.offer, body.price, body.notes, body.is_fulfilled],
setResponseStatus(e, 201);
return prismaToWeb(rvalue);
return getWork(idWork);
@ -1,24 +1,20 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler, createError */
import { ResultSetHeader } from "mysql2";
import { orderExists } from "../../[id].get";
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { createError } from "#imports";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const idOrder = e.context.params?.id as string;
const idWork = e.context.params?.idWork as string;
try {
where: {
id: BigInt(idWork),
orderId: BigInt(idOrder),
} catch (e) {
// FIXME: should be 500 on errors other than "RecordNotFound"
throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
if (!orderExists(idOrder)) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
const [response] = await database.query(
"DELETE FROM `work` WHERE `id` = ?",
) as unknown as [ResultSetHeader];
if (response.affectedRows === 0) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
return null;
@ -1,32 +1,11 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler, createError */
import { orderExists } from "../../[id].get";
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import { orderExists, getWork } from "../../[id].get";
import { createError } from "#imports";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
const idOrder = e.context.params?.id as string;
const idWork = e.context.params?.idWork as string;
if (!await orderExists(BigInt(idOrder))) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
const data = await{
where: {
orderId: BigInt(idOrder),
id: BigInt(idWork),
select: {
id: true,
fulfilled: true,
notes: true,
offer: true,
orderId: true,
price: true,
if (!data) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
return prismaToWeb(data);
if (!orderExists(idOrder)) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
return getWork(idWork);
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
return {
count: await database.order.count({}),
@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
/* global defineEventHandler, getCookie */
import getRequestingUser from "~/server/utils/getRequestingUser";
import { prismaToWeb } from "~/server/utils/prismaToWeb";
import { database, data } from "~/server/utils/database";
import { user } from "~/utils/types/database";
export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
return getRequestingUser(e).then(prismaToWeb);
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
const token = getCookie(e, "token");
const [[userData]] = await database.query(
"SELECT CONVERT(`users`.`id`, CHAR(32)) as `id`, `users`.`username` as `username`, `users`.`email` as `email`, `users`.`display_name` as `display_name` FROM `sessions` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `sessions`.`user` = `users`.`id` WHERE `sessions`.`id` = ?",
) as unknown as data<user>;
return userData;
@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
import { defineEventHandler, getCookie } from "h3";
import SessionToken from "../utils/SessionToken";
/* global defineEventHandler, createError, getCookie */
import { database } from "~/server/utils/database";
import getRequestingUser from "~/server/utils/getRequestingUser";
import { createError } from "#imports";
import { database, data } from "~/server/utils/database";
const endpointsWithoutAuth: string[] = [
@ -12,7 +8,6 @@ const endpointsWithoutAuth: string[] = [
export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
@ -36,18 +31,10 @@ export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => {
export async function isAuthorised(token: string | undefined): Promise<boolean> {
if (!token) return false;
try {
await database.session.findUniqueOrThrow({
where: {
expiry_date: {
gte: new Date(),
const [[session]] = await database.query(
"SELECT EXISTS(SELECT `id` FROM `sessions` WHERE `id` = ? AND `expiry_date` >= NOW()) as `logged_in`",
) as unknown as data<{logged_in: number}>;
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
return session.logged_in === 1;
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
import crypto from "node:crypto";
import { type Session } from "@prisma/client";
import Snowflake from "~/utils/snowflake";
/** Represents a Session token, without expiry data. */
export default class SessionToken {
userId: bigint;
sessionId: bigint;
sessionToken: Buffer;
constructor(userId: bigint, sessionId?: bigint, sessionToken?: Buffer) {
this.userId = userId;
this.sessionId = sessionId ?? new Snowflake().state;
this.sessionToken = sessionToken ?? crypto.randomBytes(64);
/** Creates SessionToken from a string.
* @param string The strinct to create from.
* @returns The SessionToken object.
static fromString(string: string): SessionToken {
const parameters = string.split(".");
return new SessionToken(
Buffer.from(parameters[0], "base64").readBigUInt64LE(),
Buffer.from(parameters[1], "base64").readBigUInt64LE(),
Buffer.from(parameters[2], "base64"),
toString(): string {
const stringUserId = Buffer.copyBytesFrom(new BigUint64Array([this.userId])).toString("base64");
const stringSessionId = Buffer.copyBytesFrom(new BigUint64Array([this.sessionId])).toString("base64");
const stringSessionToken = this.sessionToken.toString("base64");
return `${stringUserId}.${stringSessionId}.${stringSessionToken}`;
/** Returns this SessionToken as Prisma object.
* For use in where parameter.
* @returns this as prisma object.
toPrisma(): Omit<Session, "expiry_date"> {
return {
id: this.sessionId,
userId: this.userId,
sessionToken: this.sessionToken,
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
// BAA stands for Before Around After
import { getQuery, type H3Event } from "h3";
import { type QueryObject } from "ufo";
import { isString } from "./isString";
import { createError } from "#imports";
type queryType<none extends boolean = boolean> = none extends false ? {
type: "before" | "after" | "around",
id: bigint
} : {
type: null
export type pageData<none extends boolean = boolean> = queryType<none> & { count: number }
* Gets queryType for a given query with a value
* @param query the query to parse
* @throws if query malformed (multiple before/after/around)
function getLocationParameterType(query: QueryObject): queryType {
const before = query.before;
const after = query.after;
const around = query.around;
let setLocationParametersCount = 0;
let rvalue: queryType = { type: null };
if (isString(before)) {
rvalue = { type: "before", id: BigInt(before) };
if (isString(after)) {
rvalue = { type: "after", id: BigInt(after) };
if (isString(around)) {
rvalue = { type: "around", id: BigInt(around) };
if (setLocationParametersCount > 1) {
throw createError({
statusCode: 400,
message: "multiple location parameters not allowed",
return rvalue;
/** Gets the count parameter from the query object.
* @param query the query to check.
* @param defaultCount the default count if the query doesn't have count parameter. (default 50)
* @param countLimit the maximum count of the parameter before throwing. (default 200)
* @returns the value of count parameter.
* @throws if the parameter in query exceeds provided countLimit.
function getRequestedCount(
query: QueryObject,
defaultCount = 50,
countLimit = 200,
) {
let count = defaultCount;
if (query.limit) count = Number(query.limit);
if (count > countLimit) {
throw createError({
statusCode: 400,
message: `Cannot retrieve more than ${countLimit} records`,
if (count <= 0) {
throw createError({
statusCode: 400,
message: "Tried to retireve 0 or less records",
return count;
/** Gets the baa page parameters from the H3event,
* @param e the H3event to fetch parameters.
* @param defaultCount the default count to use if there is no count parameter. (default 50)
* @param countLimit the maximum value of the count parameter before throwing an error. (default 200)
* @returns the page data found in the query.
* @throws if event has a count parameter in the query that exceed provided countLimit.
export default function getPaginatedParameters(
e: H3Event,
defaultCount = 50,
countLimit = 200,
): pageData {
const query = getQuery(e);
const queryParameters = getLocationParameterType(query);
const queryCount = getRequestedCount(query, defaultCount, countLimit);
return {
count: queryCount,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
/* global defineEventHandler, getQuery, createError, readBody, setResponseStatus */
import { QueryObject } from "ufo";
import { H3Event } from "h3";
import { ResultSetHeader } from "mysql2/promise";
import { data, database } from "./database";
import { isString } from "./isString";
import Snowflake from "~/utils/snowflake";
import { client } from "~/utils/types/database";
type queryType = {
type: "before" | "after" | "around",
id: string
} | {
type: null
* Before, around, after pagination wrapper
export default class BaaPagination<T extends {[k: string]: any}, keyType extends string = "id"> {
readonly table: string;
readonly key: keyType;
readonly select: string;
readonly groupBy: string;
private get sqlGroupBy() {
return this.groupBy !== "" ? `GROUP BY ${this.groupBy}` : "";
* Gets queryType for a given query with a value
* @param query the query to parse
* @throws if query malformed (multiple before/after/around)
static getLocationParameterType(query: QueryObject): queryType {
const before = query.before;
const after = query.after;
const around = query.around;
let setLocationParametersCount = 0;
let rvalue: queryType = { type: null };
if (isString(before)) {
rvalue = { type: "before", id: before };
if (isString(after)) {
rvalue = { type: "after", id: after };
if (isString(around)) {
rvalue = { type: "around", id: around };
if (setLocationParametersCount > 1) {
throw createError({
statusCode: 400,
message: "multiple location parameters not allowed",
return rvalue;
async getPagedResults(
queryType: queryType,
limit = 50,
where = "",
bind: Array<any> = [],
) {
const sqlwhere = where !== "" ? `AND (${where})` : "";
switch (queryType.type) {
case "before": {
const [data] = await database.query(
`SELECT ${}, CONVERT(\`${this.key}\`, CHAR) AS \`${this.key}\` FROM \`${this.table}\` WHERE \`${this.key}\` < ? ${sqlwhere} ORDER BY \`${this.key}\` DESC ${this.sqlGroupBy} LIMIT ?`,
[, ...bind, limit],
) as unknown as data<T>;
return data;
case "after": {
const [data] = await database.query(
`SELECT ${}, CONVERT(\`${this.key}\`, CHAR) AS \`${this.key}\` FROM \`${this.table}\` WHERE \`${this.key}\` > ? ${sqlwhere} ORDER BY \`${this.key}\` DESC ${this.sqlGroupBy} LIMIT ?`,
[, ...bind, limit],
) as unknown as data<T>;
return data;
case "around": {
const [data] = await database.query(
` SELECT ${}, CONVERT(\`${this.key}\`, CHAR) AS \`${this.key}\` FROM (\n` +
`(SELECT * FROM \`${this.table}\` WHERE \`${this.key}\` >= ? ${sqlwhere} ORDER BY \`${this.key}\` ${this.sqlGroupBy} ASC LIMIT ?)\n` +
`(SELECT ${} FROM \`${this.table}\` WHERE \`${this.key}\` < ? ${sqlwhere} ORDER BY \`${this.key}\` DESC ${this.sqlGroupBy} LIMIT ?)\n` +
`) as \`x\` ORDER BY \`${this.key}\` DESC`,
[, ...bind, Math.ceil(limit / 2),, ...bind, Math.floor(limit / 2)],
) as unknown as data<T>;
return data;
case null: {
const [data] = await database.query(
`SELECT ${}, CONVERT(\`${this.key}\`, CHAR) AS \`${this.key}\` FROM \`${this.table}\` WHERE TRUE ${sqlwhere} ORDER BY \`${this.key}\` DESC ${this.sqlGroupBy} LIMIT ?`,
[...bind, limit],
) as unknown as data<T>;
return data;
throw createError("Not implemented");
e: H3Event,
defaultLimit = 50,
limitLimit = 200,
where = "",
bind: Array<any> = [],
) {
const query = getQuery(e);
let limit = defaultLimit;
if (query.limit) limit = Number(query.limit);
if (limit > limitLimit) {
throw createError({
statusCode: 400,
message: `Cannot retrieve more than ${limitLimit} records`,
if (limit <= 0) {
throw createError({
statusCode: 400,
message: "Tried to retireve 0 or less records",
const queryData = BaaPagination.getLocationParameterType(query);
return this.getPagedResults(queryData, limit, where, bind);
async RESTpost<K extends keyof Omit<T, keyType>>(
e: H3Event,
fields: Array<K>,
valueChecker: (obj: unknown) => obj is {[P in K]: T[P]},
) {
const body = await readBody(e);
const id = new Snowflake().toString();
if (!valueChecker(body)) throw createError({ message: "Invalid body", statusCode: 400 });
const arrayToInsert: Array<any> = [id];
arrayToInsert.push( => body[field]));
await database.query(
`INSERT INTO \`${this.table}\` ` +
`(\`${this.key}\`,\`${fields.join("`, `")}\`) ` +
"VALUES (" +
"?, ".repeat(fields.length) +
setResponseStatus(e, 201);
// FIXME: data may be turncated in the database
// either throw an error when data is too large or
// reply with turncated data
return { id, ...body };
async RESTgetRecord(e: H3Event) {
const key = e.context.params?.[this.key];
const [data] = await database.query(
`SELECT ${}, CONVERT(\`${this.key}\`, CHAR) AS \`${this.key}\` FROM \`${this.table}\` WHERE \`${this.key}\` = ?`,
) as data<T>;
if (!data[0]) {
throw createError({
statusCode: 404,
return data[0];
async RESTpatchRecord(
e: H3Event,
valueChecker: (obj: unknown) => obj is Partial<Omit<T, keyType>>,
) {
const body = await readBody(e);
const key = e.context.params?.[this.key];
if (!valueChecker(body)) throw createError({ message: "Invalid body", statusCode: 400 });
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(body)) {
// FIXME: use single database.query method instead of looping through keys and values
const [res] = await database.query(
// I believe it is safe to put key (k) in the template
// because it is limited to 4 values here
`UPDATE \`${this.table}\` SET \`${k}\` = ? WHERE \`${this.key}\` = ?`,
[v, key],
) as unknown as [ResultSetHeader];
if (res.affectedRows !== 1) {
throw createError({
statusCode: 404,
const [data] = await database.query(
`SELECT ${}, CONVERT(\`${this.key}\`, CHAR) AS \`${this.key}\` FROM \`${this.table}\` WHERE \`${this.key}\` = ?`,
) as data<T>;
return data[0];
async RESTdeleteRecord(e: H3Event) {
const key = e.context.params?.[this.key];
const [result] = await database.query(
`DELETE FROM \`${this.table}\` WHERE \`${this.key}\` = ?`,
) as unknown as [ResultSetHeader];
if (result.affectedRows === 0) throw createError({ statusCode: 404 });
return null;
async RESTrecordCount(
e :H3Event,
where = "",
bind: Array<any> = [],
) {
const sqlwhere = where !== "" ? `WHERE ${where}` : "";
const [[data]] = await database.query(
`SELECT COUNT(*) as \`count\` FROM \`${this.table}\` ${sqlwhere} ${this.sqlGroupBy}`,
) as data<{count: number}>;
if (!data) throw createError("Database returned no rows");
return data;
table: string,
key: keyType,
select = "*",
groupBy = "",
) {
this.table = table;
this.key = key;
|||| = select;
this.groupBy = groupBy;
@ -1,102 +1,17 @@
import { PrismaClient, Prisma } from "@prisma/client";
import * as PrismaEngines from "@prisma/engines";
import mysql, { Connection } from "mysql2/promise";
import { type pageData } from "./baaPageParsing";
const connectionOptions: mysql.ConnectionOptions = {
host: process.env.DB_HOST,
port: Number(process.env.DB_PORT),
user: process.env.DB_USER,
password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
database: process.env.DB_SCHEMA,
decimalNumbers: true,
supportBigNumbers: true,
type model = PrismaClient[Uncapitalize<Prisma.ModelName>];
export const database =
await mysql.createConnection(connectionOptions) as Connection & { new: () => Promise<Connection> };
|||| = () => { return mysql.createConnection(connectionOptions); };
function getBeforeParameters<T, A>(
pageData: pageData<false>,
fetchArgs: Prisma.Args<T, "findMany">,
) {
const _fetchArgs = Object.assign({}, fetchArgs);
return Object.assign(_fetchArgs, {
take: pageData.count,
orderBy: [
{ id: "desc" },
where: {
AND: [
id: {
function getAfterParameters<T>(
pageData: pageData<false>,
fetchArgs: Prisma.Args<T, "findMany">,
) {
const _fetchArgs = Object.assign({}, fetchArgs);
return Object.assign(_fetchArgs, {
take: pageData.count,
orderBy: [
{ id: "desc" },
where: {
AND: [
id: {
function getNullParameters<T>(
pageData: pageData<true>,
fetchArgs: Prisma.Args<T, "findMany">,
) {
const _fetchArgs = Object.assign({}, fetchArgs);
return Object.assign(_fetchArgs, {
take: pageData.count,
orderBy: [
{ id: "desc" },
export const database = new PrismaClient().$extends({
model: {
$allModels: {
findPaginated<T, A>(
this: T,
pageData: pageData,
fetchArgs: Prisma.Exact<A, Prisma.Args<T, "findMany">>,
): Promise<Prisma.Result<T, A, "findMany">> {
const context = Prisma.getExtensionContext(this) as any;
switch (pageData.type) {
case "before":
return context.findMany(getBeforeParameters(pageData, fetchArgs));
case "after":
return context.findMany(getAfterParameters(pageData, fetchArgs));
case "around":
return Promise.all([
type: "before",
count: Math.ceil(pageData.count),
}, fetchArgs)),
type: "after",
count: Math.floor(pageData.count),
}, fetchArgs)),
]).then(rv => rv.flat()) as Promise<any>;
case null:
return context.findMany(getNullParameters(pageData, fetchArgs));
export type data<T> = [T[], mysql.FieldPacket[]];
@ -1,34 +1,24 @@
import { getCookie, H3Event } from "h3";
/* global getCookie, createError */
import { H3Event } from "h3";
import { database } from "./database";
import SessionToken from "./SessionToken";
import { createError } from "#imports";
import { database, data } from "./database";
import { user } from "~/utils/types/database";
export default async function getRequestingUser(e: H3Event) {
const cookie = getCookie(e, "token");
if (!cookie) throw createError("User not found");
const { user } = await database.session.findUnique({
where: {
expiry_date: {
gte: new Date(),
select: {
user: {
select: {
display_name: true,
email: true,
id: true,
username: true,
}).then((e) => {
if (e === null) throw createError("User not found");
return e;
const [[user]] = await database.query(
"CONVERT(`users`.`id`, CHAR) as `id`,",
"LEFT JOIN `users` ON `sessions`.`user` = `users`.`id`",
"WHERE `sessions`.`id` = ?",
].join(" "),
) as data<user>;
if (!user) throw createError("User not found");
return user;
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
import { Prisma } from "@prisma/client";
type func = (...args: any[]) => any | Function;
export type replaceJsonUnparsableToString<T> =
T extends Array<infer E> ? Array<replaceJsonUnparsableToString<E>>
: {
[K in keyof T]:
T[K] extends null ? null
: T[K] extends func ? never
: T[K] extends Prisma.Decimal ? `${number}`
: T[K] extends Array<infer E> ? Array<replaceJsonUnparsableToString<E>>
: T[K] extends object ? replaceJsonUnparsableToString<T[K]>
: T[K] extends bigint ? `${bigint}`
: T[K]
type exactToInterface = (...args: any[]) => any extends Function ? true : false;
function arrayPrismaToWeb<T>(array: Array<T>) {
return array.reduce(
(pV, cV) => {
return pV;
[] as Array<replaceJsonUnparsableToString<T>>,
export function prismaToWeb<T>(ivalue: T): replaceJsonUnparsableToString<T> {
const rvalue: any = ivalue instanceof Array ? [] : {};
for (const i in ivalue) {
const current = ivalue[i];
if (current === null) rvalue[i] = null;
else if (typeof current === 'function') continue;
else if (current instanceof Prisma.Decimal) rvalue[i] = current.toString();
else if (current instanceof Array) rvalue[i] = arrayPrismaToWeb(current);
else if (typeof current === 'object') rvalue[i] = prismaToWeb(current);
else if (typeof current === 'bigint') rvalue[i] = current.toString();
else rvalue[i] = current;
return rvalue;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { createError } from "#imports";
/* global createError */
export function createValidationError(errors: Map<string, string>) {
let message = "Invalid parameters: ";
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
# Updating this package will force an update for nodePackages.prisma. The
# version of prisma-engines and nodePackages.prisma must be the same for them to
# function correctly.
prisma-version = "5.7.1";
prisma-src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "prisma";
repo = "prisma-engines";
rev = prisma-version;
hash = "sha256-EOYbWUgoc/9uUtuocfWDh0elExzL0+wb4PsihgMbsWs=";
new-prisma-engines = pkgs.rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
pname = "prisma-engines";
version = prisma-version;
src = builtins.storePath prisma-src;
# Use system openssl.
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.pkg-config pkgs.git ];
buildInputs = [
cargoLock = {
lockFile = "${prisma-src}/Cargo.lock";
outputHashes = {
"cuid-1.3.2" = "sha256-ZihFrLerEIOdbJggaBbByRbC1sZRvF4M0LN2albB7vA=";
"barrel-0.6.6-alpha.0" = "sha256-USh0lQ1z+3Spgc69bRFySUzhuY79qprLlEExTmYWFN8=";
"graphql-parser-0.3.0" = "sha256-0ZAsj2mW6fCLhwTETucjbu4rPNzfbNiHu2wVTBlTNe4=";
"mysql_async-0.31.3" = "sha256-QIO9s0Upc0/1W7ux1RNJNGKqzO4gB4gMV3NoakAbxkQ=";
"postgres-native-tls-0.5.0" = "sha256-UYPsxhCkXXWk8yPbqjNS0illwjS5mVm3Z/jFwpVwqfw=";
preBuild = ''
export OPENSSL_DIR=${pkgs.lib.getDev pkgs.openssl}
export OPENSSL_LIB_DIR=${pkgs.lib.getLib pkgs.openssl}/lib
export PROTOC=${pkgs.protobuf}/bin/protoc
export PROTOC_INCLUDE="${pkgs.protobuf}/include";
cargoBuildFlags = [
"-p" "query-engine"
"-p" "query-engine-node-api"
"-p" "schema-engine-cli"
"-p" "prisma-fmt"
postInstall = ''
mv $out/lib/libquery_engine${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary} $out/lib/libquery_engine.node
# Tests are long to compile
doCheck = false;
# meta = with lib; {
# description = "A collection of engines that power the core stack for Prisma";
# homepage = "";
# license = licenses.asl20;
# platforms = platforms.unix;
# maintainers = with maintainers; [ pimeys tomhoule ivan aqrln ];
# };
pkgs.mkShell {
nativeBuildInputs = [
shellHook = ''
export PRISMA_SCHEMA_ENGINE_BINARY="${new-prisma-engines}/bin/schema-engine"
export PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY="${new-prisma-engines}/bin/query-engine"
export PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_LIBRARY="${new-prisma-engines}/lib/libquery_engine.node"
export PRISMA_FMT_BINARY="${new-prisma-engines}/bin/prisma-fmt"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { type CookieSerializeOptions } from "cookie-es";
import { CookieSerializeOptions } from "cookie-es";
export const cookieSettings: CookieSerializeOptions = {
sameSite: "lax",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
export interface client {
id: string;
name: string | null;
address: string | null;
phone: string | null;
email: string | null;
export interface user {
id: string;
username: string;
email: string;
display_name?: string;
export interface session {
id: string;
user: string;
expiry_date: string;
export interface imported_product {
id: string;
// order: string,
name?: string;
link: string;
price_imported: string;
price: string;
export interface offer {
id: string;
name: string;
description?: string;
recommended_price?: string;
export interface work {
id: string;
// order: string,
offer: string | offer;
price: string;
notes: string;
is_fulfilled: boolean;
export interface order {
imported_products: Array<{
id: string;
name: string | null;
link: string;
price: string;
price_imported: string;
work: {
id: string;
offer: offer;
price: number;
notes: string | null;
is_fulfilled: 0 | 1;
id: string;
client: string;
user: string;
is_draft: 0 | 1;
value: number;
export interface orderSummary {
id: string;
client: string;
user: string;
is_draft: 0 | 1;
value: string;
imported_products_count: number;
work_count: number;
export interface work_template {
id: string;
// order_template: string,
offer: string | offer;
price: string;
notes?: string;
export interface order_template {
id: string;
name: string;
description?: string;
// 1 is true, 0 is false
export type Dboolean =
| boolean
| 0 // false
| 1; // true
export type Dnumber = number | `${number}`;
Add table
Reference in a new issue