import DiscordApi from "discord.js"; import { Configuration as OpenAIApiConfiguration, OpenAIApi } from "openai"; import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client"; import config from "./config"; import toOpenAIMessages from "./toOpenAIMessages"; import Moderation from "./moderation"; const discord = new DiscordApi.Client({ intents: [ DiscordApi.GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, DiscordApi.GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, DiscordApi.GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent, ] }); export const openai = new OpenAIApi(new OpenAIApiConfiguration({ apiKey: config.tokens.OpenAI })); export const database = new PrismaClient(); discord.on("ready", async event => { console.log(`Connected to Discord as ${event.user.tag} (${})`); }); const channelsRunning: DiscordApi.Collection = new DiscordApi.Collection(); discord.on("messageCreate", async message => { if ( return; if (!message.mentions.has(message.client.user)) return; const userLimits = await database.limits.findUnique({ where: { user: BigInt( } }); let limit = 25; if (userLimits?.limit) { limit = userLimits.limit; } if (!userLimits?.vip) { const usedLimit = await database.usage.count({ select: { _all: true }, where: { user: BigInt(, timestamp: { gte: new Date(message.createdTimestamp - 1000*60*60*24 /*24 hours */) } }, }); if (usedLimit._all >= limit) { message.react("🛑");{ embeds: [{ color: 0xff0000, description: `You've used up your message limit for today, ${limit} requrests in last 24 hours` }] }); return; } } const messagesForChannel = channelsRunning.ensure(message.channelId, () => {return [] as DiscordApi.Message[];} ); const shouldStart = messagesForChannel.length == 0; messagesForChannel.push(message); if (shouldStart) onMessage(message.channelId); }); async function onMessage(channel: string) { const channelQueue = channelsRunning.get(channel) as DiscordApi.Message[]; const message = as DiscordApi.Message; try { let messages: DiscordApi.Collection = await{ limit: config.limits.messages, cache: false }); messages = messages.filter(m => message.createdTimestamp - m.createdTimestamp < config.limits.time ); messages.forEach(m => Moderation.checkMessage(m));; const answer = await openai.createChatCompletion({ ...config.chatCompletionConfig, messages: toOpenAIMessages(messages), }); const usage =; if (usage != undefined) { const channelName: string = message.inGuild() ? `${} (${})` : `@${}`; console.log(`Used ${usage.total_tokens} (${usage.prompt_tokens} + ${usage.completion_tokens}) tokens for ${} (${}) in #${channelName}`); database.usage.create({ data: { timestamp: message.createdAt, user: BigInt(, channel: BigInt(message.channelId), guild: message.guildId ? BigInt(message.guildId) : null, usageReguest: usage.prompt_tokens, usageResponse: usage.completion_tokens } }).catch((e => { console.error("Failed to push to a database"); console.error(e); })); } const answerContent =[0].message?.content; if (answerContent != undefined && answerContent != "") { const response = message.reply({ content: answerContent, allowedMentions: { repliedUser: false, } }); Moderation.checkMessage(await response); } else { message.react("😶"); } } catch (e) { console.error(`Error ocurred while handling chat completion request (${(e as object)}):`); console.error(e); message.reply({ embeds: [{ color: 0xff0000, description: "Something bad happened! :frowning:" }], allowedMentions: { repliedUser: false, } }); } channelQueue.shift(); if (channelQueue.length == 0) channelsRunning.delete(channel); else onMessage(channel); } discord.login(config.tokens.Discord);