this patch moves the rootDir of the typescript project up a directory
this moves all content in the dist directory inside the new src directory
I couldn't find other way
note that I've marked Promises awaiting as a warn,
because I don't want to be bothered with it for now.
I also edited all files to accomodate with the new rules.
I should also think find a way to type-safely import Commands directory,
another time
Previously if two message requests appered in a short timespan
in the same channel, the bot would reply twice (in two messages)
for the first message.
This commit fixes that, by queuing message requests and responding
to them in the chronological order based on a channelId.
(requests are queued to a queue identified by channelId)
Previously, when OpenAI returned a message with an empty string,
it would try to send that empty message, which throwed an error.
Now it will react with an emoji to the message that triggered the request.